My direct descendants are in bold type. This is a work in progress. Much of my direct line is documented, but some may not be. If there is a question, I usually include words like "seems likely" or "possibly" in hopes that it may help someone else or eventually get me closer to documentation. Also, I do make errors when transferring info to my files or to the site. If you find errors that you can correct, please e-mail me and I'll gladly make the changes or if you have more information on anyone mentioned here and can share it, I would be really appreciative.
Thomas Booth
7th Great-grandfather, 1705-1758
Thomas Booth, my seventh great-grandfather, was born around 1705 in Surry, Virginia. Possibly in the Tidewater or Southside area.
In 1728, at the age of 23, he married Elizabeth Cobb, a daughter of Thomas Cobb (b.1689 in York, Virginia – d. 1750 York, Virginia) and Mary Shields (b. 1692 in James City, Virginia).
The book, “Booth Family History: One Lineage from Thomas, Sr. (1705-1767) of Amelia County, Virginia to Present” includes some very helpful research on Thomas and his descendants. The book was written by Timothy Douglas Booth (1948-2002) of Centreville, Virginia who was a descendant of Thomas Booth.
The family of Thomas Booth’s mother-in-law, Mary Shield, is well documented in “Colonial Families of The Southern States of America” by Stella Pickett Hardy. Mary’s father was James Shields of Williamsburg, Virginia who was “one of the early ordinary keepers of the Colony.” His descendants include an early surveyor for York County, a Governor of Virginia and a President of the United States.
According to the book, Thomas was a “planter” who, at the height of his success, owned 2,000 acres with a plantation on which he farmed and raised livestock. At the time, only one planter in ten had an estate of more than 1,000 acres, so he was considered quite wealthy. His plantation was located in Southside Virginia in present-day Amelia County about 23 miles west-northwest of Petersburg and 27 miles southwest of Richmond. He lived most of his adult life in this area.
Thomas and Elizabeth had seven children; five were sons and two were daughters.
According to court records such as deed books, and his will, it is known that the location of Thomas’ land was on both sides of Sweathouse Creek which runs into Deep Creek. Deep Creek flows a few miles north into the Appomattox River which flows eastward into the James River at Hopewell. Waterways were important to farmers because it gave them a way to transport crops and people to markets.
An ancestor of Thomas Booth, Carlson Fitzhugh Booth, has visited his land in Amelia County. From “”Booth(e) Family History: One Lineage from Thomas, Sr. (1705-1767) of Amelia County, Virginia to Present (1994)” by Timothy Douglas Booth:
“On his last visit in April 1993, he was accompanied by two other Booths also descended from Thomas, but from a different son. They videotaped their visit and the author has a copy of the tape. According to Carlson, Thomas obtained first part of his land in 1724. He built a brick house in 1725 using bricks which came over from England as ballast in the boats. Also, the house was constructed from locally made bricks from reddish clay. Both kinds of brick are found on the property and are shown in the videotape. On the original site, there now stands a wooden house constructed about 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haigwood (Hogwood?), who live there, hosted Carlson and his two Booth cousins.”
Thomas later divided his land among his five sons. His four older sons received their shares in 1749, totaling 1,210 acres of the 1,554 acres. His youngest son John, my sixth great grandfather, was willed his share of 338 acres when Thomas died.
John was just 23 and possibly living at home with his widowed father and together they were farming the land John would later inherit. John had married Mary Smith the previous year.
The children of Thomas and Elizabeth Cobb Booth were George, Thomas, Williams, Nathaniel, Ann Joyce (Joice) and John.
Will of Thomas Booth, 1758, Amelia County, VA
Will Book 2X, page 290 Amelia County, Virginia
In the name of God, I, Thomas Booth Sr of the County of Amelia, being of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God for the same, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, vis:
First and principally I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it hoping through the merits of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ to obtain full remission of my sins and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named.
First: I will that my debts and funeral charges shall be paid.
Item: I will and bequeath to my son THOMAS one shilling sterling to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I will and bequeath to my son GEORGE one shilling sterling to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I will and bequeath to my son WILLIAM one shilling sterling to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I will and bequeath to my son NATHANIEL one shilling sterling to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I will and bequeath to my daughter JOICE one shilling sterling to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter ANN two negroes, viz Agge and her daughter named Lucy, also her choice of a feather bed and furniture as it stands to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son JOHN the land and plantation whereon I now live containing three hundred and thirty eight acres to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son JOHN all the rest of my estate both Real and Personal to him and his heirs forever.
And my will is that my estate be not brought to appraisement.
I also constitute and appoint my Son JOHN whole and Sole Executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fifteenth day of September in the year of our Lord 1758.Signed, Sealed and Delivered
Thomas Booth (SEAL)
In presence of:
John Chappell
Robert Chappell
Joseph Chappell
At a Court held for Amelia County the — day of June 1766 This will was proved by the Oaths of John Chappell and Robert Chappell, two of the witnesses whereto and at another Court held for the said County the 22nd day of June 1769 the same was sworn to by John Booth, the Executor therein named and ordered to be Recorded and on the motion of the said Executor who entered into and acknowledged bond with George Hightower his security as the Law directs certificate was granted him for obtaining probate thereof in due form.
John Booth
My 6th Great-grandfather, 1735-1807
John Booth was born 29 Sept 1735 in Amelia County, Virginia. He was the youngest of five sons of Thomas Sr. and was born on his father’s plantation on Sweathouse Creek.
Amelia County was created from Prince George and Brunswick Counties and was actually begun the same year John Booth was born.
In 1757, in his early 20s, John married Mary Smith. Mary’s sister Temperance married John’s older brother Nathaniel.
Mary’s parents had three sons and nine daughters and her mother, Agnes, was a daughter of Stephen Cocke and Martha (Batte) Bannister, granddaughter of Thomas Cocke, and great-granddaughter of Richard Cocke and his probable first wife, Temperance Baley.
Richard Cocke, my 10th great-grandfather, was an original settler to the Colonies. He was born in Pickthorn, Shropshire, England around December 13, 1597 when he was baptized. He arrived in Virginia in 1627, obtained large grants of land, and settled at “Bremo,” on James river, in Henrico county. He was lieutenant-colonel of his county, and was a member of the house of burgesses in 1632 from Weyanke, and in 1644 and 1654 from Henrico county. He owned three plantations named Curles, Bremo, and Malvern Hills. These totaled over 7,000 acres of land. The plantations that Richard Cocke had built would remain in the family for generations. He died in 1665. When Richard Cocke wrote his last will and testament in 1665, he asked to be buried in his orchard near his first wife (Temperance). For more, check out my blog.Source
Temperance’s mother, Cecily (my 11th great-grandmother) had arrived in Jamestown on what was likely the 17th ship bringing in settlers. She and her family were also ancient planters.
Mary’s father, Richard, owned a plantation on Spring Branch in the parish of Cumberland. In his will, which was proved in 1760, he left his daughter, Mary Booth “one silver spoon.”
Since Mary Smith had married John Booth just a few years earlier, it’s likely she received any major gifts of land or belongings at that time.
John and Mary’s children’s names were Richard, Thomas, Peter, John Jr., Stephen (my 5th great-grandfather), Mary, Benjamin, and Agnes Clardy. Two sons, Richard and Peter, served in the Continental army during the Revolutionary War.
During the Revolutionary War, John furnished the army’s commissary twice with 1,025 pounds of beef, 16 diets(?), 12 pecks of corn and pasturage on the first occasion, and 325 pounds of beef on the second. After the Yorktown victory in 1781, those who furnished supplies registered for compensation with their county court. John Booth is recorded in Bedford County Court Order Book Number 6 on page 341 for March 23, 1782 and on page 347 on March 25 of the same year.
John Booth meets the requirements and has became a registered patriot ancestor by the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Sons of the American Revolution in October 1993. Any adult descendant of John Booth can become a member of either the D.A.R. or S.A.R. by showing their lineage to him.
John died in his late 70s on Dec. 7, 1807 in Franklin County, Virginia.
Mary likely died before John since she is not mentioned in his Will.
John Booth’s Will
In the name of God, Amen. I, John Booth of Franklin County and State of Virginia, being weak in body, but of disposing mind and memory, do make this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, to-wit,
First I desire all my just debts shall be paid,
secondly I desire my Daughter Agness Clarady and my sons Richard Booth, Peter Booth, John Booth, Stephen Booth and my daughter Mary Guttry shall have one shilling sterling apiece,
Thirdly I give my son Benjamin Booth the tract of land I now live on containing four hundred acres by survey also Forty Six Acres of land lying in Bedford County on the north side of Staunton River to him and his heirs forever, and
fourthly I give to my son Thomas one feather bed and furniture the rest of my Estate both real and personal I desire shall be held in Trust by Peter Booth of the State of Virginia or by Stephen Booth of the State of Tennessee and the profits thereof to be applied to the use of Thomas Booth during his life and after his death to be equally divided among three of his children to-wit, Frances, James Thomas and I do hereby appoint my two sons Peter Booth and Benjamin Booth Executors of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all others.
Desire that this may be received as such. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of August one thousand eight hundred and seven.
Signed Published and his declared in the presence John x Booth (Seal) of John Forbes, Frances mark Blayds, Aquilla Mitchel
Will Book No. 1, Page 332. Rocky Mt., VA Source:
Stephen S. Booth
My 5th Great-grandfather, 1765-1832
Stephen S. Booth (possible middle name was Shaybe) was born in Amelia County, Virginia in 1765 to John and Mary Smith Booth. Four children were born to the family before him and three after.
On Sept. 13, 1786, at the age of 22, he married Penelope Guthrie in Franklin County, Virginia. On the same day Stephen married Penelope, his sister Mary married Penelope’s brother, David Guthrie. Penelope and David were just two of the 12 children of Henry Guthrie and Penelope Johnson Guthrie whose marriage initially seemed to have created a lot of drama in her Quaker community.
Stephen S. Booth’s In-laws
The Guthries, my 6th great-grandparents, were married in Louisa County in 1755. The Quaker records of the Cedar Creek Meeting House contain these entries:
- January 11, 1755: Penelope Johnson disowned for marrying contrary to discipline.
- February 8, 1755: Agness Johnson condemned for entertaining her daughter on the day of her marriage, which was contrary to the advice of the Friends.
These two entries likely meant that Henry was not a Quaker. Even though Penelope was disowned for marrying him, she could have asked for and received reinstatement later. This was quite common during this time.
SourceHenry Guthrie owned land on Newton’s Creek in Amherst County in 1765.
On September 22, 1777 Henry signed the oath of allegiance required by the General Assembly of Virginia at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
Henry and Penelope had 12 children, one of which was Penelope (obviously named after her mother) who was born in 1767 in Virginia.
Around 1790, Stephen and Penelope traveled with a large group including his sister and bother-in-law, Benjamin and Agnes Booth Clardy, from Virginia to South Carolina to make a new home. The group settled in an area called Pendleton District, South Carolina. According to “The Clardy Family History,” the group also included Benjamin’s three daughters and sons-in-law; John and Mary Clardy, David and Nancy Clardy Spearman and Jimmy and Sally Clardy Fleming. Others who are thought to have joined them include Joab Clardy, Ellsworth Clardy, Henry Spencer and Polly Gambrell.
We know from her obituary that, in 1816, Agnes and Benjamin migrated to Franklin County, Tennessee.
Another story about the family and migration come from from J.B. Guthrie of Pelzor, South Carolina who is a descendant of David and Mary Guthrie.
David Guthrie went to South Carolina to visit his brother-in-law, Stephen Booth (who married his sister Penelope). While there he purchased 1,000 acres of land for $1,000, then returned home to Virginia for his wife, Mary Booth Guthrie, and their children. They loaded everything they could take on an ox cart and headed for South Carolina. When they left, her wife’s parents, John and Mary Smith Booth were distraught because they feared would never see their daughter and grandchildren again.
Not long after David and Mary Booth Guthrie moved to South Carolina, Stephen and Penelope Guthrie Booth decided to move their family to Bedford County, Tennessee. According to family history, Stephen tried to talk David into moving to Bedford County also but David told him he wished he had never left Virginia and was going to stay where he was.
John and Mary Smith Booth did get to see their daughter again. David and Mary Booth Guthrie made a trip back to Virginia on horseback. They had to leave their children with a relative and since the trip took six months, when they finally returned, one of their smaller children did not know who they were.
Image courtesy of Nanjn53,
Obituary of Stephen S. Booth’s Sister, Agness Clardy
Nashville Christian Advocate, Jan. 23, 1847, Transcribed by Bobbye Nan McGuire
Agness Clardy departed this life January 17th, 1847, at the house of William Farris, where she was kindly treated until death. She was the daughter of John and Mary Booth. She was raised in Virginia, Amelia County; born November 17th, 1755; married Benjamin Clardy, June 25, 1771.
In the Summer of 1776 she joined the Mehodist Church, at what was then called “the Five Forks.” She gave a home to one of the first Methodist Preachers who traveled and preached in that section; his name was Shadford.
After which time she, with her husband, moved to Bedford county, VA; then to Lawrence district, SC; then to Pendleton District, now called Anderson, and in the year 1816, moved to Franklin county, TN, where her husband died in faith, 1822-1832.
Those who read this may see that she was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church better than 70 years; and I can say, truly a very acceptable one. I could write much in her praise but I forbear. The day after her death, at the interment bro. Joseph Smith, whom she chose before her death to preach her funeral, attended and delivered a very feeling and appropriate address.
Her remains were surrounded by some of her children, grandchildren and great grand children and other friends, and though the weather was very inclement they stood patiently and deeply affected during the address. – The feelings of my own soul were deep and my tears were moved when I looked upon her cold remains and remember her address in the last love-feast which she ever attended where she arose and, leaning upon her staff, observed, “Nearly seventy years I have been a dear lover and close attendant of class meetings and love-feasts, and expecting this to be the last I shall ever attend, I want to say that I am still bound to serve God till death; I want you all to pray God to assist me and meet me yourselves in heaven.”
This short address had a good influence on our love-feast, many felt it good to them. May God Almighty sanctify this short account of her life and death to the good of the living.
N.E. Editors are requested to copy the above, as her children and connections are numerous and scattered much.
Franklin Co., Tenn., Jan 23, 1847
Stephen and Penelope Booth were living somewhere in Tennessee by 1807 as that was listed as Stephen’s residence in his father’s will.
On Oct. 24, 1816 Jonathan Ward deeded to Stephen Booth, 70 acres on the waters of Alexander Creek in Bedford County, Tennessee. The land was originally part of a 3,000 land grant to Ebenezar Alexander.
By 1820, 56-year-old Stephen and his family were living in Bedford County. I believe his older sons Benjamin, Henry and James (my direct ancestor) had farms of their own nearby.
I believe these are my Booth ancestors in the Bedford County, Tennessee census of 1820:
Stephen Booth
(my 5th great grandfather)
- White male, 16 – 26: 1
- White Male, 45+: 1
- White Female, 45+: 1
- Number engaged in agriculture: 3
- Male slaves, 14 to 26: 3
- Female slaves, under 14: 1
James Booth
(Stephen’s son and my 4th great-grandfather)
- White male, under 10: 3 (I believe William G., my 3rd great grandfather was one of these boys)
- White male 26 – 40: 1 (James)
- White Female Under 10: 2
- White Female, 26 – 40: 1 (Nancy)
- Number engaged in agriculture: 1
Henry Booth
(one of Stephen’s sons)
- White male, under 10: 1
- White male, 26 – 40: 1
- Engaged in agriculture: 2
- Female slaves, 14 – 26: 1
Benjamin Booth
(one of Stephen’s sons)
- White male, under 10: 1
- White male, 26 – 40: 1
- White Female, Under 10: 1
- White female, 15 – 26: 1
- Engaged in Agriculture: 1
- Female slaves, under 14: 1
In 1825, Stephen Booth, Sr. gave his son James Booth and Samuel Clay Booth, 100 acres in Bedford County, on the waters of Wartrace Fork.
It appears that by 1830, Stephen, along with his sons James and Benjamin had moved further west to Haywood County, Tennessee, near present day Alamo, to an area that would later become Crockett County. This would make them among the very earliest settlers of the area.
Stephen S. Booth shows up in a jury in Haywood County in September 1831.
I believe these are Stephen and two of his sons in the 1830 census of Haywood County, TN:
Stephen Booth
(my 5th great-grandfather)
- Males, 20 – 30: 1
- Males, 60 – 70: 1 (Stephen was 65 so I beleive this was him)
- Female, 15 – 20: 1
James Booth
(Stephen’s son and my 4th great-grandfather)
- Male, under 5: 1 Male, 40 – 50: 1 (James Booth)
- Females under 5: 2
- Females, 5 – 10: 1
- Females, 30 – 40: 1 (Nancy Ann Milligan Booth)
Benjamin Booth
(one of Stephen’s sons)
- Male, under 5: 1
- Males, 5 – 10: 3
- Females, under 5: 2 Female, 20 – 30: 1
Photo courtesy of royandmachelle,
Stephen S. Booth’s son, Stephen S. Booth Jr., and his wife, Minerva J. Cates Booth
He was born Oct. 31, 1809 in Tennessee and died Jan. 21, 1878 in Crockett County, Tennessee. She was born Dec. 20, 1819 in North Carolina and died May 2, 1880. They are both buried in the Alamo City Cemetery in Crockett County.
The children of Stephen S. Booth and Penelope Guthrie Booth were Benjamin, Charlotte (married Robert W. Burns), Henry, James (my 4th great-grandfather), Harry, and Stephen S. who married Minerva J. Cates.
Stephen Booth died in 1832 in Haywood County, Tennessee. I have been able to find out where he was buried.
In the 1850 census Penelope was living with Stephen B. and Mary Burns in District 11 of Haywood County. The Burns family was farming 1,000 acres. Stephen B. Burns was Penelope’s grandson and one of the sons of her daughter Charlotte who married Robert W. Burns.
James Booth
My 4th Great-grandfather, 1790-after 1850
James Booth was born in 1790 in Pendleton, South Carolina to Steven (Shaybe?) Booth and Penelope Guthrie Booth.
James married Nancy Ann Milligan who was born in 1794 in Hillsborough, North Carolina in Orange County.
Oct. 24, 1816 Jonathan Ward of Bedford County, Tennessee sold to Stephen Booth, executor and Tounsey Booth, executor of the estate of John Booth deceased, both of Bedford County, Tennessee, land in Bedford County on Waters of Alexander Creek.
At some point before the 1820 census, James was living in Bedford County, Tennessee as were his brothers Henry and Benjamin and their growing families.
In 1825, James’ father, Stephen Booth, Sr. deeded to James along with Samuel Clay, 100 acres in Bedford County, Tennessee, on the waters of Wartrace Fork.
By 1830, James and his family had moved to Haywood County where he appears to have been very involved in the legal and community affairs. He shows up in numerous records and had many dealing with other ancestors of mine including Castellaws, Cobbs, Brantleys, Steeles and others.
On Dec. 8, 1834, “John H. Cobb came into court and was appointed the ? of Benjamin Steele, minor heir of William Steele, deceased and entered into bond with Thomas J. (Jefferson) Castellaw and James Booth, his securities, in the amount of $800.” Source
31 August 1836, James Booth sold 50 acres of land to John Hancock for the sum of one horse which was valued at one hundred dollars. Thomas J. Castellaw and Edward Steele were witnesses. 1 Jan 1839, John Hancock deeded the same 50 acres back to James’ son, William for $150 dollars. David Outlaw and Thomas J. Castellaw witnessed that transaction. Source
Willie and Allie Marbury Brantley
On the farm next door to James Booth in 1850 was the Augustus and Martha White Brantley family including 5-year-old Henry Day Brantley who was my fourth great grandfather (66 years later, in 1916, Augustus Brantley’s great grandson, William Day “Willie” Brantley and James Booth’s great granddaughter, Allie Marbury would marry and one of their daughters is my maternal grandmother, Virginia Brantley Lovelace.
In Sept. 1839 John H. Cobb purchased five and one quarter acres of land from James Booth for $12.50. Source
I can’t locate James Booth in the 1840 census, but the families of John H. Booth, John L. Booth, and William A. Booth do appear in the Haywood County census that year and they were likely relatives. In some instances, the name was listed as “Boothe.” I do believe James was still in Haywood County.
In 1846, James Booth, Ichabod Herring and J. (John) H. Cobb were school commissioners for the fifth district of Haywood County. Source
In 1847, John Cobb deeded land to Richard Ward which is listed as being “bound by beginning at a Stake in the line at James Boothe north, thence west the said Boothes line, thus North the said Whitney line to Butterton’s line then his line East to the to John D Castellow’s line. Source
In November 1847 James Booth deeded one acre of land to the school commissioners with the purpose of building a schoolhouse. Booth made the transfer of real estate “for the good will that I entertain for the public school system.” Source
By the census of 1850, James Booth was age 60 and his wife Nancy was 56. The children in house were James age (25 born abt 1825), Penelope (age 21 born 1829), Louisa (age 17 born 1833), and Susan Bacon (age 27 born abt 1823). Also in the house was William Evans (age 21 born abt 1829).
The family farmed land valued at $1,500. Next door was the farm of Augustus Brantley and his family.
Who was Moses Love Booth?The bio below, which I found online, includes many facts about Moses Love Booth that would indicate he was one of the sons of “my” James Booth.
M. Love Booth, retired farmer and merchant, was born in Middle Tennessee, Bedford County, in 1819, but owing to his father’s early removal to Haywood County, he was reared there. The parents, James and Mary (Lofton) Booth, were both Virginians, and after residing in Tennessee for many years they removed to White County, Ark., and died at the home of their son in 1861.
He was a member of the Baptist Church, a Mason, a lifelong Democrat, and was for years sheriff of Bedford County. After his wife’s death, which occurred in 1851, he married again and came to Arkansas. M. Love Booth is the third of their six children, four now living: John (deceased, who was a farmer in Tennessee), William (a farmer of West Tennessee), Samira (deceased), M. Love, Susan (the wife of Henry Bacon, of Mississippi) and Louisa (who is the wife of a Tennessee farmer).
Our subject has been familiar with farm work from his earliest boyhood, but his early advantages for acquiring an education were not so good. At the [p.134] age of twenty he was a farm hand, later a trader and stock breeder, and after his marriage to Miss Elizabeth Budrell he became an overseer, and successfully followed that-occupation for forty years. He then gave up that work and built a livery stable in Brownsville, his establishment there being the largest of the kind in the State.
In 1858 he came to Arkansas and purchased 320 acres of land near El Paso, seventy acres of which he cleared the first year. He was signally successful until the war broke out, when all his personal roperty was lost. He did not espouse either cause, and was not molested during those turbulent times. When he came to El Paso there were only two farms open here, but now the greater part of the land is in a high state of cultivation.
After the war he, with Thomas Warren, built a large mill, which was destroyed by fire, when he returned to his farm, which he again began to till. He became the possessor of 1,000 acres, and has cleared over 300 acres, and since giving each of his children a farm he still holds 310 acres. His wife died October 1, 1887, and since that time he has made his home with his children, and is at present living with J. T. Phelps, his son-in-law, in El Paso, where he has an interest in the store of M. L. Phelps & Co.
Mr. Booth was the first man to build a store in El Paso after the war, and is now managing a livery stable in that place, and, although he has attained the age of seventy years, he is an excellent business manager and is very active. Although quiet in his habits of life, he has always been interested in the public affairs of the county, and has done his full share in making the county what it is.
He joined the Masons while in Tennessee, and he as well as his children are members of the Baptist Church. His children’s names are here given: Nancy (is the wife of Monroe Oakley, a prosperous farmer of White County), Rebecca (is the wife of John C. Harkness, a farmer of El Paso), Elizabeth L. (is the wife of Thomas K. Noland, a farmer of the county), Narcissus (is the wife of John Russ, a farmer and president of the State Wheel), Martha A. (is the wife of J. T. Phelps, a merchant of El Paso), Mosella B. (deceased) and three infants, deceased. Source
1. Moses Love Booth was born in Bedford County, Tennessee which is where James Booth was living between 1816 and 1830.
2. Moses Love Booth’s father moved to Haywood County when he was a young boy. “My” James Booth moved his family to Haywood County.
3. Moses Love Booth’s father was named James
4. Moses Love Booth’s father was a sheriff in Bedford Co.
5. Moses Love Booth’s brother was named William and he was a farmer in Tennessee. One of James’ son’s, my third great grandfather, William “Billy” was a farmer in Tennessee when this was written.
6. Moses Love Booth’s sister was named Susan and she was married to Henry Bacon. Susan Bacon is in the census of 1850 living with who I think is “my” James Booth.
7. Moses Love Booth’s sister is named Louisa. My James Booth has a daughter named Sarah Louisa.
8. Moses Love Booth named his daughter Nancy which was the name of “my” James’ wife.Differences:
1. According to this, Moses Love Booth’s mother was named Mary Lofton not Nancy.
2. According to this, Moses Love Booth’s parents were from Virginia but, in a census, James’ son William “Billy” Booth said his father was from South Carolina and his mother was from North Carolina
3. According to this, James Booth’s wife Mary died in 1861 and he moved to Arkansas. My ancestor James’ wife Nancy Ann Milligan died in 1850.
4. I believe my James and Nancy had four children but the James in the bio had six children.
It’s possible after James wife Nancy Ann Milligan died in 1850, he married Mary Lofton and moved with her to El Paso, Arkansas where his son, Moses Love Booth, was living. James then died at the home of his son in 1861. Whomever wrote the bio incorrectly thought Mary was the mother of Moses Love Booth.
If this is the case, then the children of James Booth and Nancy Ann Milligan Booth were Moses Love (b. 1819), William G. “Billy (b 1816), Susan (b. 1823), Penelope (b. 1829), and Sarah Louise (b. 1833).
Of course, another possibility is that there were two James Booths in Haywood County who arrived by way of Bedford County.
A third possibility is that Mary Lofton was James’ first wife and Nancy Ann Milligan was his second wife.
There is one other connection I have found between Moses Booth and “my” Booths. On Dec. 11, 1850, Moses L. Booth deeded forty acres of land to Leonard D. Cobb. John Hardy Cobb and W.G. (Billy) Booth witnessed the deed so there is definitely a connection made between Billy and Moses Love Booth.
I do believe that James Booth was the father of William G. “Billy” Booth.
- In the census of 1880 William was born in Tennessee in 1816 and his father’s birthplace was listed as South Carolina and his mother’s birthplace was listed as North Carolina. James Booth was born in South Carolina and his wife Nancy was born in North Carolina.
- Aug. 31, 1836, James Booth sold 50 acres of land to John Hancock for the sum of one horse which was valued at $100. Thomas J. Castellaw and Edward Steele were witnesses. Jan. 1, 1839, John Hancock deeded the same 50 acres back to James’ son, William for $150. David Outlaw and Thomas J. Castellaw witnessed that transaction.
- Where previously James Booth was farming the land next to the Brantleys, in the next decade, Billy Booth is farming that land.
- Billy Booth named his oldest son James.
William G. “Billy” Booth
My 3rd Great-grandfather, 1816-1892
Billy Booth was born in 1816 in Bedford County, Tennessee and by 1830 had moved with his parents and siblings to Haywood County, Tennessee.
He married Mary Elizabeth “Eliza” White who was the daughter of Solomon White and Martha Hughs.
On Dec. 11, 1850, Moses L. Booth deeded forty acres of land to Leonard D. Cobb. John Hardy Cobb and W.G. (Billy) Booth witnessed the deed.
In the census of 1850 in Haywood County, Billy Booth was 34 and his wife Eliza was 25. Daughter Elizabeth was four and son James was two. Also living with the family was James M. Todd who was a 25-year-old male from North Carolina.
The value of Billy’s real estate was $800.
By 1860 Billy’s family had grown, as had the value of his land, then worth $2,400 and a personal estate valued at $2,400. He was 45 and his wife Eliza was 35. The children at home were Mary (age 13), James (age 12), Nancy (age 8), Margaret (age 7), William (age 3), and Cicero who was 11 months.
Living on the farm just next door was the family of Leonard Decatur Cobb and his wife Mary Amanda Rooks Cobb. Leonard was the son of John Hardy Cobb and Harriett Castellaw Cobb. Also living on the farm of the Cobbs was 74-year-old Elizabeth Outlaw who had her own property valued at $400.
Also in 1860, Billy shows up in the slave schedule as being the owner of one slave, a 23-year-old mulatto female.
By 1870, Billy was 54, Eliza was 46 and still living at home was James (21), Margaret (age 16), William L. (age 13), Albert (age 13), Ada P. (age 7), Alphonso (age 5) and my second great grandmother, Sara Evelena Booth who was two-years-old.
The family lived just one farm away from the Henry Day Brantley family and just two farms from the home of Augustus and Zilpha Brantley.
Eliza Booth is mentioned in the August 1873, diary of W.T. “Tom” Cobb in a list referring to the Grange at Centerville.
Photo courtesy of Betsy Sullivan Waddell
Billy and Eliza White Booth’s son, James Bemberry Booth and family
Billy Booth’s wife, Mary Elizabeth “Eliza” White, was the daughter of Solomon White and Martha Hughs.
The White family was part of the group of settlers who came to Haywood County from Bertie County, North Carolina very early in the 1830s.
Eliza’s mother, Martha Hughs White died in Bertie County in 1833 at the age of 39. Her father, Solomon died around 1837 in Haywood County.
According to the Joe Cobb book, Martha Hughs White listed in her will her sons George, Charlton, and Thomas White and her daughters, Polly, Elizabeth, Nelly and Patsy White. She made her will in Oct 1832 and it was probated in Feb 1833.
Martha’s son Charlton White moved from Bertie to Haywood between 1830 – 1832. Either at that time, or at some point later, both Eliza and her father, Solomon also made the trip from Bertie to Haywood County.
Another family to join them on their journey to Haywood County was John Bembery and Penelope Trottman White. While the exact connection between the two families is not certain, Eliza named her first son Bembery so there was certainly a significant connection. John and Penelope White’s daughter Agatha remained a single woman until the age of 46 when she married 75-year-old John Hardy Cobb in 1873. John Hardy Cobb and his first wife, Harriet W. Castellaw were my 3rd great-grandparents.
Eliza White Booth died on Oct. 9, 1889 at the age of 64.
In 1890, William G. “Billy” Booth was 74 and Sim Cobb was 50. Entries from Sim Cobb’s diary once again include Billy:
21 Jan 1890 – Split wood a while; W.G. Booth took dinner with me.
3 Jan 1875 – Sunday, in the morning at S. E. Steele; went home and fed, then went to W.G. Booth; went from there to S. E. Steele and returned home; cloudy all day, moderately cold; W.G. Booth was with me at night at home until eight o’ clock.
6 Jan 1875 – Wednesday, at father’s; very cold and cloudy; came home soon; went to W.T. Cobb and help him put sills under house; returned home after dinner and split rails; cloudy all day long and cold; James B. Booth came home from camp Hatchie and took meals at night.
10 Jan 1875 – Sunday, …I went to W.G. Booth and stayed until nearly night, then came home and got wood for the night.
19 Jan 1875 – Tuesday, fair and cold; cut and burned brush in the field; moved W.G. Booth’s fence; John F. White came over in the morning; J.C.W. Cobb and W.G. Booth was with me at night until bed time.
1 Feb 1875 – Monday, fair and pleasant; cut logs and wood; clouded up around 1 o’ clock; Mrs. Booth came over in the evening and took supper with us.
2 Feb 1875 – Tuesday, cloudy all day, rained during the day; split some wood and picked up trash in the new ground until dinner; after dinner, went to W.G. Booth and got my spade and worked on shelter by the smoke house.
15 Feb 1875 – Monday, cloudy and cold; burned logs and trash and hauled and put up rails; Pink (Harriett Outlaw) and Agatha ( Mrs. John Hardy Cobb) was here; Bet (his wife) went with them to W.G. Booth; J. E. Lott and W.G. Cobb came down at night to get some castor oil.
24 Feb 1875 – Wednesday, cloudy with some rain and warm; hauled manure in the garden and to the land for the Irish potatoes…caught a rabbit; Mrs. Booth (Eliza) and Lott were here; Ed came.
4 March 1875 – Thursday, cloudy; cut and split rails in the morning; in the evening went to D.W. Watridge (Daniel Watridge, father of Zula Zera Watridge Castellaw) and J.C. Cobb; Pink and Caroline spent the evening with Bet; Bet was at W.G. Booth when they came.
5 March 1875 – Friday, Friday, cloudy and misted rain in the morning; hauled rails in the morning; in the evening went and got the loom and put it up; split rails; Bet went to W.G. Booth in the evening.
15 March 1875 – Monday, cloudy in the morning; went to W.G. Booth; gubbed sprouts and fixed the water gap (a fence across a stream).
5 April 1875 – Monday; planted corn in the new ground next to W.G. Booth’s field.
2 May 1875 – Sunday, fair, went to Sunday School; D.W. Watridge and family was here and stayed until after supper; W.G. Booth, Willie (William L.) and J.B. (James Bembery) Booth and Mittie (probably Margaret) White was here and Roe Booth (Albert Cicero) also.
15 May 1875 – Saturday, fair; went to church at Zion; stopped at father’s and got dinner; W.C. Cobb and I went to the Risk Grange; E.J. Steele came to see Bet; Bet went to W.G. Booth.
8 June,1875 – Tuesday, fair and cool; Beth went to W.G. Booth; Albert hoed and replanted peas.
27 July,1875 – Tuesday, fair; went to take up hooks; came by John Herring’s and stopped a while; stopped at John White; came home and helped W.G. Booth get out wheat.
14 Sept 1875 – Tuesday, fair; me, Bet and Alice had chills; Mittie (possibly Margaret Booth) and John was here; Caroline White; E. J. Steele, Mag Watson and Mrs. Booth was here during the day; W.C. Cobb and W.G. Booth was here at night til bedtime.
7 November 1875 – Sunday. Cloudy; W.G. Booth came down and took dinner with us; in evening I went to Mrs. White.
The children of Billy Booth and Eliza White Booth were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Booth | James Bemberry | Sept 1848 | Haywood Co., TN | 19 Sept 1916 age: 68 |
Haywood Co., TN Buried: Holly Grove Bap Church Cemetery |
Elizabeth Ellen Clark b. 21 Jul 1852 m. 16 Dec 1878 d. 13 Oct 1879 Buried: Zion Bap Church CemeteryKatie Lockhard (Ellen’s sister) b. 26 Sep 1859 m. 9 Mar 1881 d. 17 Dec 1898 Buried: Zion Bap Church CemeteryEldorado Thomas b. Feb 1871 m. 18 Apr 1901 d. 1962 Buried: Holly Grove Bap Church Cemetery |
The child of James Bembery and Ellen Clark Booth was Vernon C. Booth.
The children of James Bembery and Eldorado Thomas Booth were Mary Irene, Lela Mae and James “Jim” Bembery Jr. James B. Booth and his oldest son Vernon built a store in the Jones Station community of Haywood County which is included in the drawing below. On the south side of the store was a warehouse also owned by James in which church services were held. At one time, Eldorado helped supervise a mission house that was in converted pool hall which is also pictured below. Vernon Booth Vernon was there the day Holly Grove Baptist Church was organized in Oct 1885 and was a member for 70 years. Additionally, he was a deacon for 44 years and taught the men’s Bible class. He was one of the first rural mail carriers and delivered the mail 15 Dec 1903 until 28 Feb 1911. He was the postmaster at Jones from 26 Feb 1914 to 30 Sept, 1945. Jim Booth was the Haywood County Register for many years and was inducted into the Brownsville States Graphic Hall of Fame in 1991 for his work with youth sports leagues. He drew the illustration of Jones Station pictured below. |
Booth | Margaret | 1854 | Haywood Co., TN | Possibly White | ||
Booth | William L. | 1858 | Haywood Co., TN | Mary Emma Mann b. 1848 m. 17 Dec 1879 |
Booth | Albert Cicero “Roe” | 25 Oct 1859 | Haywood Co., TN | 17 Apr 1924 age: 64 |
Haywood Co., TN | Rebecca Mamie White b. 28 Aug 1863 m. 1888 d. 1 Oct 1890Sarah Frances Sallie Watridge b. 1869 m. 1896 d. 17 Apr 1924 |
Sallie Watridge Booth, Roe’s second wife, was a daughter of Daniel Washington Watridge and Mourning Adeline Cobb Watridge, (my second great grandparents) and a sister of Zula Zera Watridge (my great grandmother/mother of Elizabeth Castellaw Williams).
Roe began operating a gin, pictured below, in 1903. The child of Roe and Rebecca was Blanche Irene Booth. Blanche married Mays Williamson who was a son of Thomas Page Williamson who was a son of Beverly M. Williamson, my third great grandfather. The children of Roe and Sallie were Grace R., Katie Marion, Myrtle, Albert Leroy, Bryant, Dorris, and Pauline. Albert was the father of Milton Booth who still runs the family farm. It’s on Milton’s farm that my second great grandfather George D. Williams is buried. You can find out more about that on my blog. |
Marbury | Alphonso | 1865 | Haywood Co., TN | |||
Booth | Sarah Evelena “Lena” | 20 Jun 1868 | Haywood Co., TN | 7 Oct 1949 Age 81 |
Haywood County, TN Buried: Zion Baptist Church Cemetery |
Hardy Joyner Marbury b. 25 May 1872 m. 26 Aug 1891 d. 2 Mar 1932 Age: 59 Buried: Zion Baptist Church Cemetery |
Map of Jones Station as drawn by Jim Booth and included in “A Journey Into Yesteryears” by Martha Jones.
Many members of the Booth family lived and worked in Jones Station which was a community next to the Holly Grove Community in Haywood County. It was located on the north end of Dr. Hess Rd. According to Martha Jones’ book, “It connected with two short roads parallel to the L and N Railroad, one on the south side and one on the north side. The one on the north side of the railroad, built in 1931, connects the town of Brownsville with the town of Bells…on the south side of the railroad, to the left, stood the old depot in the late 1800s. After it burned sometime in the early 1900s, a platform was built for passengers to board the train and for loading and unloading of freight.”
Sarah Evelena “Lena” Booth Marbury
My 2nd Great-grandmother, 1868-1949
Lena Booth was born June 20, 1868 in Haywood County, Tennessee. She was the youngest in a large family and, in the census of 1870, when she was two-years-old, all of her older siblings, with the exception of Mary, were also living with her parents, W.G. “Billy” and Eliza Booth.
The family was living in District Five and the value of their real estate and personal property was $4,000 which was quite a bit for that time and area. On the farm next door was a 38-year old-mulatto named Emily White and her 16-year-old son, Henry. Emily was born in 1832. Had she possibly been a slave of the family of Billy’s mother, Eliza White?
Also living all around the Booths were others from my family line including Marbury, Castellaw, White, Brantley, Cobb, Outlaw, and others.
Ten years later, in the U.S. census of 1880 my great-grandmother, Lena, was 11 years old and living with her parents, siblings and others in District Five. In addition to her older sister Ada and brother Alphonso, living in the house was 9-year-old William T. White who was a grandson (The only sibling I could not find any info on was Margaret so I assume she was married to a White and possibly died before 1880) and 19-year-old Thomas Mann who I believe married Lena’s sister Mary, although Mary is not included as residing in the house at that time.
Those living in the house also included L. Watson, a little girl who was six. It appears from looking at the census of 1870 and 1880 that Billy and Eliza Booth took in many friends and family through the years.
They lived together one farm over from the Sim Cobb family and just a few farms over were the Brantleys and Lena’s uncle Cicero.
The census records from 1890 are not available because the records were destroyed in a fire.

on Aug. 26, 1891, Lena Married Hardy Joyner Marbury, one of the sons of Benjamin Franklin Marbury and Maggie Yelverton Mrbury and a grandson of Robert Green Marbury, a minister who was one of the original settlers of Haywood County.
They immediately had a son, Dennis Love then in the next five years added three daughters: Maggie Price, Allie Ern (my great-grandmother) and Mable Clara.
In 1910, Hardy was 37, Lena 41, Dennis 17, Maggie P. 15, Allie E. 12 and Mabel C. 9. The family also had a border, John H. Mann who was 16. Lena’s sister Mary had married a Mann so perhaps John was one of their sons?
They lived next door to James and Mattie Cobb and just a few farms down from Dorsey Watridge, Archie Brantley, Sim Cobb and their families.
Their son Dennis Love died in 1927 at the age of 34 of rectal cancer, leaving a wife, Mary Lorena Overton and two childen, Ruth Lee and Sybil Hortense.
In the 1930 census, Hardy was 57 and Lena was 60. Lena was called “Grandmammy” by her grandchildren.
Hardy died in 1932 at the age of 60 after having a stroke and was buried at Holly Grove Baptist Church cemetery.
Their daughter Allie and her husband Willie lived with Lena until her death in 1949 at age 81.
Obituary of Lena Marbury
Mrs. Lena Marbury
Services to be held today for Holly Grove Resident
Brownsville, Tenn., Oct 7
Services will be held Saturday morning at Holly Grove Baptist Church for Mrs. Lena Booth Marbury, who died Friday morning at her residence in the Holly Grove community. Mrs. Marbury was 81.
Burial will be in Holly Grove Cemetery, with American Funeral Home in charge.
She had spent her entire life in the Holly Grove community. She was the daughter of the late Billy and Lena White Booth. She was a member of Allen Baptist Church.
She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Willie Brantley of Holly Grove, 10 grandchildren and a number of great-grandchildren.
She was also buried at Holly Grove Baptist Church cemetery.
The memory book from Lena’s funeral service offers a glimpse into funerals of the rural south in the 1940s. Her funeral was at 3 p.m. on Saturday, October 9, 1949 at Holly Grove Baptist Church. The Rev. R. E. Presley officiated and Mrs. Ovid Lovelace played the organ. The hymns at her funeral were “Old Rugged Cross,” “Rock of Ages,” and “Nearer my God to Thee.” Her pallbearers were Albert Booth, Bryant Booth, Doris Booth, John Marbury, Lake Marbury and Martin Thomas. You can read through scans of the memory book on my blog.
For more about Willie and Lena Booth Marbury, visit the Marbury page.
Do you have more facts, information or photos you would like shared here or do you see errors? Please let me know by posting below or sending me a message on Facebook.