This is a work in progress. Some of my direct line is documented, but some may not be. If there is a question, I usually include words like "seems likely" or "possibly" in hopes that it may help someone else or eventually get me closer to documentation. Also, I do make errors when transferring info to my files or to the site. If you find errors that you can correct, please e-mail me and I'll gladly make the changes or if you have more information on anyone mentioned here and can share it, I would be really appreciative.

Much of the earliest information on this family was pulled from “Johnston-Dugan, The Related Families Near Enoree River, South Carolina, in the Late 1700s and their Origins and Dispersion” by Julien D. Kelly Jr. It was shared with me by Dorothy Dougan Cooper. Where possible, I confirmed and augmented the information using other sources online, in published books and on Others who provided information included Gary Stadler and Carol Detmar, both of whom have researched the Dougan family a great deal.

Thomas Dougan
My 6th Great-grand-father, 1689-1776

Thomas Dougan was born in 1689 in Donegal, Ireland to Benjamin Dougan (1660-?) and Catherine Kerr (1658-1688).

At some point it is likely Thomas moved with others in his family to St. Christopher in the Caribbean which is now known as St. Kitts.

It is possible that they were even settlers of the British colony and his family could have arrived a generation or two earlier. There is also the possibility that the family was traveling to America on a ship that was headed first to St. Christopher although neither theory is proven.

Regardless of how and when they arrived, Thomas‘ daughter Catherine (1706-1728) died in St. Kitts in 1728.

The inscription in his son Thomas Dougan’s (1719-1769) Bible read:

“Thomas Dougan’s Bible which was his sister’s, Catherine Dougan’s who departed this life on the Island of St. Christopher in the year A.D. 1728.”

The Bible passed down through the generations and was last seen in 1888 when the inscription was written down by an ancestor, Thomas Murray Boyd. Its present location is unknown.

Thomas Dougan was married to Eleanor O’ Conner (1687-1784).

At least by 1731, Thomas and his family migrated to the community of Paxtang, Pennsylvania. During this time, many people from Ireland and Scotland were settling this area.

“In the first half of the 1700s, there was considerable migration from northern Ireland, which had been populated largely by Scots within the previous century, to Pennsylvania. These “Scotch-Irish” settlers formed almost the entire population of the community of Paxtang, just east of the Susquehanna River, the location of the present Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Others apparently came to this area from elsewhere in the British empire.

Among these Pennsylvania settlers were Thomas Dougan and at least four of his children, as well as the families into which they married. This Dougan family, although presumably originating in Scotland or Ulster, had apparently lived in the Caribbean colony of St. Christopher, now St. Kitts, before coming to Pennsylvania.”

“Johnston-Dugan, the related families near Enoree River, South Carolina in the late 1700s and their Origins and Dispersion” by Julian D. Kelly, Jr.

Thomas died on Jan. 5, 1769 and was buried in the Bell-Welborn Cemetery in Randolph, North Carolina.

The children of Thomas and Eleanor Dougan were:

Last First Born Location Born Died Location Died Spouse
Dougan Susannah 1701 Donegal, Ireland or St. Christopher in the Caribbean 09 Sept 1781
Age: 74
Paxtang, PA
Buried: Paxtang Presbyterian Church Cemetery
James Collier
b. 1707
m. 28 Dec 1731
d. 31 Mar 1788
Age: 81
Buried: Paxtang Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Thomas Dougan gave his Bible with the inscription referenced above to this Susannah, his eldest daughter, Susannah Dougan Collier.

The children of Susanna and James Collier were: Col. John Collier, Thomas Collier, Eleanor Collier, Mary Collier, Susannah Collier, and Capt. James Collier Jr.

James Collier was born in County Donegal, Ireland in 1707, came to America around 1728 and married Susannah Dougan on Dec. 28, 1731. Their farm was near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He was both a weaver and a farmer. Their son, John, moved to Randolph County, North Carolina in 1772 and was made commander of the militia in that county during the American Revolution. At one time, John owned 20,000 acres of land in North Carolina but somehow lost most of it after the war. The Collier’s son, Thomas, was killed by Indians while on an expedition to bury the dead who had been massacred along the Susquehanna River. Their son, James, interestingly had two birthdays. April 20th and May 1, 1742 because the calendar was reformed in 1752 and April 20 became May 1. He and his family moved to Ohio and he served in the Revolutionary War and was presented a sword by General Lafayette.
Source:” Daughters of the American Revolution magazine,” Volumes 48-49

The Colliers were members of the Paxton Presbyterian Church in present day Harrisburg. The parents, James and Susannah Dougan Collier are buried in the adjoining cemetery. The sanctuary used today was built in 1740. The pastor at the time the Colliers were there was the Reverend John Elder “the fighting parson” who was the leader of the Paxtang Boys, a vigilante group that murdered twenty Native Americans in an event sometimes referred to as the Conestoga Massacre.

Below is a letter from Colonel John Collier to his father, James. The mother of Colonel John was Susannah Dougan, sister to Thomas Dougan. “Aunt Mary Dougan” to whom he refers in the letter is the wife of Thomas DouganMary Kerr Dougan. These Dougans are my 5th great-grandparents.

“To: Mr. James Collier: Paxton, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania

Loving Father (James) and Brother (Capt. James) and Sister: Having the opportunity of the Bearer, I thought it my duty to let yo know that I and my family are well at present: blessed by God for his mercies to us!

I received yours which gave an account of Mother’s Death.

It was the will of God: and we ought not to fret or repine at the hand of Providence. “The Lord giveth and taketh away: blessed be the name of the Lord”!

We had a son born the 17th day of Feb (1782). He lived about 48 hours. It was God’s will to call him out of this troublous world, which would be a happy exchange for every person prepared for the world of spirits.

As the affairs of the state of N.C. I am not able to give you a true account of the melancholy condition as it now exists. I will give a short narrative of my own situation.

The Tories embodied, the 9th and 10th of March last about thirty in number: marched forty or fifty miles through our country: came to my house about dark. I had sentries posted about forty yards from my house. The sentry hailed them. They answered-, “Friends to the United States of America” and fired on the sentry: and the sentry fired on them. I immediately found by the Tories’s fire that we were too weak to stand our ground.

We made our escape to the woods and with great difficulty, I saved myself from their merciless hands. They kept constant firing on my house for two or three minutes, filling my doors with bullet holes. My wife (Margaret) called out to cease their firing and she would open the door and let them in, for there was no person there but women and childdren.

They rushed into the house, set fire to it, and burned it to ashes with article that was in it but some few articles that my oldest daughter (Martha) threw out at the door. This was the fourth time that the Tories had robbed and plundered me and my small family: but we have great reason to be thankful and bless God that our lives are preserved from a cruel and most merciless enemy.

They left my house and killed one of my captains (John Bryan) one mile from my house, they went to Aunt Mary Doughan’s: burned the house and barn.

They killed the Lieut. Col. (Andrew Balfour) of our county the same day they burned my house, But I am not able to tell. Every day they are murdering, burning and plundering the good citizens of the state. I believe that nine-tenths of our county are enemies to the United States of America.

We are daily in pursuit of them but the situation of the country and the many harbors, makes it difficult to come up with them. If they would have got me they would not have burned my house, but they would have instantly put me to death for this reason: that I have put several of their leaders to death for this year past.

My situation this year is very disagreeable. I have not slept in my house this five months without a guard. I have my family in a little guard-house that I build last year. I am afraid that I will be under the disagreeable necessity to move from this part of N.C. with my family to some place where there are no Tories, for sure I am-, that I and they cannot live together, for I am in danger of my life every moment, without I be in public service.

I have been in the army for the most part, ever since Gate’s defeat (Aug 13, 1780) I am getting old (49), and the features of the Army in our state are most disagreeable, especially after the Tories (…(illegible)… for our country, and will do my utmost endeavor to have a bill enacted to drive them, man woman and child, within the British lines and find out some ways and means to have our country settled with people of some principle: for these people are no more than a nuisance to civil society.

Were such a law to be enacted we would have an outlet for five or six hundred families within 30 or 40 miles of my home: and it would enable our settlement to live in peace and plenty, with God’s bleessing’s to crown our endeavors. I refer you to the bearer for particulars. Remember me to the Rev. John Elder and family and take my excuse and I had to send and borrow this sheet to write these few imperfect lines on.

Remember me to all inquiring friends without exception, which is all from your loving son and daughter:

John and Margaret Collier.

Bro’ James: You would oblige me much to send, the first opportunity, a good hat: as I am in necessity for one.”

Dougan Robert 1710 Donegal, Ireland or St. Christopher in the Caribbean 1787
Age: 77
Newburry, SC Margaret Parks
b. 1706
m. 1745
d. 1751
Age: 45(Her first husband was Samuel Parks)
The children of Robert and Margaret Park Dougan were: Maj. Thomas Dougan, Maj. James Dougan, Maj. Robert Dougan, (married his cousin, Mary Johnston, below) William Dougan, and Margaret Dougan.

Robert appears to have been the first of the immediate family to move south. In 1754 he moved his family to Fairforest Creek in what is now Union County, South Carolina. His stepson, Anthony Park, traveled among the Indians west of the Appalachian Mountains. The book “Colonial and Revolutionary History of Upper South Carolina” states that Anthony wrote, “a man could at that time stand in his door and kill more game than would be sufficient for the support of two families.” Anthony also served in the militia as a wagon master, worked as a blacksmith and was a constable in Newberry County, South Carolina.

Robert and Margaret had three sons who were officers during the American Revolution: Thomas, James and Robert. James and Robert were killed by Tories in 1781 at or near their home. Thomas survived the war and became a Colonel.

Photo: Geezers via

The headstone of Colonel Thomas and Mary Johnston Dougan in Newberry County, South Carolina. More

Dougan Mary 1715 Donegal, Ireland or St. Christopher in the Caribbean 24 Sept 1783
Age: 68
Newberry Co., SC
Buried: King’s Creek Cemetery
John Johnston
b. 1715
m. 1740
d. 17 June 1786
Age: 71
Buried: King’s Creek Cemetery
John was a shoemaker whose family had likely emigrated from Aghalurcher Parish, Northern Ireland in 1734.

In 1763, John and Mary and their children moved to the mouth of the Indian Creek on Enoree River in what is now Newberry County, SC.

John was recorded during the American Revolution as a member of the militia company of Capt. John Virdin.

John and Mary are buried in King’s Creek Cemetery in Newberry County.

The children of John and Mary Dougan Johnston were: Margaret Johnston Murray, Thomas Johnston, (married his cousin Mary Collier, above) Mary Johnston Dougan (married cousin, Maj. Thomas Dougan above), John Johnston Jr., and Robert Johnston.

Dougan Thomas Hill 1719 Donegal, Ireland or St. Christopher in the Caribbean 5 June 1769
Age: Age 50
Randolph Co., NC
Buried: Bell-Welborn Cemetery
Mary Kerr
m. 1745
d. 1824
Age: 98
Buried: Bell-Welborn Cemetery


“While history records to distant times the deeds of man and rends the air with the plaudits of his name, how little homage is paid to suffering, patient, self-sacrificing woman.

The name of Mary Dougan, Elizabeth Balfour, Jane Millikan, Ruth Farlow, Nancy Clark, Mattie Bell and others should be held in lasting veneration as the heroines of Randolph County in the struggle for liberty and life. It was these noble women and their compeers who molded opinion and shaped the thought and sentiment that directed the march of progress. Where the voice of authority failed to direct, where the hand of power could not control, and where armed resistance dared not venture, woman’s reason and affection persuaded and prevailed. She mitigated the passions and tumults of political strife, taught the law of mercy and kindness and her prayers and sacrifices and sufferings and patience contributed largely to the establishment of that liberty and prosperity which we enjoy today.”

They foresaw through the shadowy dawn the grand possibility of our future prosperity, and for them is reserved the laurels of peaceful triumph and the tribute of a tear that embalms the memory of the good and great “Who plan and shape the progress of the age are oft denied a place on history’s page.”


Thomas died June 7, 1769 only a few years after the move to North Carolina and was buried in the Bell-Welborn Cemetery in Randolph City, Deep River Settlement, North Carolina. More

According to researcher Gary Strader, Mary was close friends with Martha and William Bell.

After the death of her first husband, Martha McFarlane McGee married Captain William Bell, who was the first sheriff of Randolph County, North Carolina. Martha was a midwife, and often traveled about the countryside to see to the birth of children, and also to care for those who were ill. She was a devoted Presbyterian, and converted her first husband from the Church of England to the Presbyterian Church, and persuaded him to leave some property to the church. She was a patriot and a spy during the Revolution. The Bells are buried in the Bell-Welborn Cemetery. You can find lots more about Martha Bell and her story here.

The children of Thomas Hill and Mary Kerr Dougan were:

Last First Born Location Born Died Location Died Spouse
Dougan Colonel/Senator Thomas 1746 Lancaster, PA 7 Sept 1795
Age: 49
Paxtang, PA
Buried: Paxtang Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Isabella Sharp
m. 1782
d. 7 Feb 1804
Age: 37
Randolph Co., NC
Buried: Bell-Welborne Cemetery
The children of Thomas and Isabella Sharp Dougan were: Susan, Sarah, Mary, Eleanor, Jane and Thomas.

Colonel Thomas Dougan’s military service was in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1788 at Hillsboro, North Carolina. Colonel Dougan lived at the crossroads and owned a store.

Mention of Thomas Dougan is included in the pension application of Joseph Johnston:

“On the way home from a battle in the fall of 1781, Col. David Fanning captured Col. Thomas Dougan of the Randolph County Militia. Col. Dougan had been spying on Col. Fanning trying to discover what his intentions were.

Col. Fanning sentenced Col. Dougan to hang but several of Dougan’s friends and neighbors who were in Fanning’s militia protested. He ignored their protests and put Dougan on a horse with his hands tied behind his back and a noose around his neck. On of his men then stepped forward and threatened to shoot him if Dogan was hanged. Col. Fanning wisely allowed forty men to vote on Dougan’s fate. He was spared by a close vote and sent to Wilmington.

Upon arriving in Wilmington, Maj. James Craig also wanted to hang Col. Dougan, but Capt. Elrod and some of Fanning’s men spared his life a second time.”

On March 13 & 14, 1782 Thomas Dougan was involved in what became known as The Deep Rover Raid.”

The following information was compiled from material found in the Asheboro, North Carolina Public Library, and material submitted by Mrs. James D. (Margaret) Fraser.

“Major John Eliot , accompanied by two other Tories, Samuel Still and Michael Robbins, found Colonel Dougan, a Whig prisoner, had been captured by Fanning (the Tory chief), and taken out with a rope around his neck to be hanged on the prison ship. Major Eliot felt a great compassion for Dougan with whom he was old friends and interceded so well in his behalf that he secures his freedom and permission to return home.

When the Tories, Eliot, Still, and Robbins were returning home, they met two men who had been paroled and now contrary to the terms of the parole were fully armed.

Eliot began to chastise one of the men, Henry Johnson, for carrying a gun and broke his sword over Johnson’s head. Eliot’s companion, still, then put a rifle ball into the head of the injured man.

The Whig’s of the neighborhood, under the leadership of the same Colonel Dougan whom Eliot had saved from death at Wilmington, now set out to capture them. They were seized, tied to trees, and shot, and in accordance with the ‘heartless’ custom of the times, left in the position in which they had been killed.”

After the war Thomas Dougan was elected a member of Legislature from Randolph County, and served three terms in the Senate.

In 1786, Thomas gave 100 acres for the town of Johnstonville.

s of Randolph County” by J. A. Blair, 1890

Photo: Polly Fry Hagerman via / Headstones of Thomas Dougan and his son, Thomas Dougan.

Dougan Joseph Around 1749 Lancaster Co., PA Possibly 1767 of Typhoid in Franklin Co., TN Nancy Lnu

Mary Swain
m. 1816

Anna (Nancy) Redding

The child of Joseph and Mary Swain Dougan was Thomas.
The children of Joseph and Anna Redding Dougan were Mary, Michael and Sally.
Dougan Maj. James 6 Jan 1754 Lancaster Co., PA 10 Feb 1837
Age: 83
Franklin Co., TN Hannah Sharp
b. 1760
d. 1831
Age: 71
The children of James and Hannah Sharp Dougan were: Mary Dougan Noe, Margaret Dougan Barbee, Agnes Dougan Dallis, Jane Dougan, Robert C. Dougan and twins, Thomas Dougan and Samuel Dougan, Sharpe Dougan and James Dougan Jr.

“James DOUGAN S3306, West Tenn. #26596, $201.66/year, issued 19 March 1834. 4 March 1834 Franklin County. James DOUGAN aged 80 years last January states he was born in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, on 6 Jan. 1754, according to a copy of the family record which is in his possession.

1776 he was a resident of Guilford County, N. C., and volunteered for three months as an ensign under Capt. John COLLIER. The regiment was organized at Guilford court house and was commanded by Col. MARTIN. They met with other troops at the mulberry fields on the Catawba and crossed the Blue Ridge, marching against Indian Towns on the headwaters of the Tennessee River.

They remained several weeks, marching from town to town, destroying and eating. The Indians had already flee.

In 1777 he volunteered to serve three months as an Ensign under Capt. Robert BELL. They rendezvoused at Salisbury and were stationed at Camden. S.C. In 1779 he volunteered for Three months and served as Lieutenant be served under Capt. Enoch DAVIS and Col. LOCKE’s Regiment, RUTHERFORD’s Brigade.

Shortly after the battle at Brier Creek, affiant joined a detachment which defeated a group of the enemy who were marauding along the river. After his discharge he returned home with William GRAY, a private.

In 1780 he was a major in the Randolph County N.C., militia and he volunteered to serve in COLLIER’s Regiment as a major. He fought in the battle at Camden and when the army was dispersed he returned home.

In 1791 he left North Carolina for Tennessee, where he lived three years. He then removed to Logan County, Kentucky., where his house and discharge burned.

Rev. Robert DOUGAN of Franklin County, aged 69 next December, vouched for his brother.

Micah TAUL and James KEITH vouch for both DOUGANS’ reputations and characters.

16 March 1834 John B. FORESTER, Congressman, certifies that he is acquainted with James and Rev. Robert DOUGAN and vouch for them.

26 July 1838 Note in file shows that payment was made to Mary NOE, a child of James DOUGAN, for $210.66. DOUGAN had died 10 Feb. 1837.

1919 Inquiry of Mrs. J.G. GOODY of Washington, Kansas. Note: See also file of John DOUGAN of Wayne County, Indiana, who appears to be brother of James DOUGAN and mentions another brother Thomas.”

James, Thomas and Robert eventually settled the area around Reelfoot Lake.

James Dougan Jr. had a connection to Davy Crockett. Crockett’s son, William Crockett, married Clorinda Boyett. After William died, Clorinda married James.

You can read more about the Dougan’s of the Reelfoot Lake area here and here.

Dougan Eleanor (Elandor) 5 Feb 1759 Lancaster Co., PA 6 May 1839 Randolph Co., NC Captain William Clark
b. 1753
m. 1778
Age: 83
Randolph Co., NC
The children of William and Eleanor Dougan Clark were unknown child, Jand Clark Sanders, Dougan Clark, Alexander Clark, Thomas Clark, Mary Clark Jones, Margaret Clark Henley, Hannah Clark Davis
Dougan John 9 Jan 1763 Lancaster Co., PA 25 Jan 1842
Age: 79
Wayne Co, IN Matha “Matsie” Collier
b. 25 Mar 1764
m. Dec 1784
d. 29 Sept 1855
Richmond, IN
Age: 91
John and Matsie Collier Dougan moved to Richmond, Indiana.

Their children were Margaret Dougan Fryar, Mary Dougan McWhinney, Susannah Dougan, Thomas Dougan, Rebecca Dougan, Eleanor Dougan Adams, John Dougan, Martha “Mattie” Kerr Dougan Little, Sarah Dougan and Jane Dougan

Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statement from John Dougan
Pension application of John Dougan W9836 Martha
fn63NC Transcribed by Will Graves
The State of Indiana, Wayne County

Be it remembered that on the 12th day of August A.D. 1833 then personally came into open Court Before the Honorable Nathan Smith Judge of the Wayne Probate Court in session the same being the first judicial day of said Court of the term of August in the year aforesaid said Court being a Court of Record John Dougan aged 70 years on January 9 past and a resident of said County of Wayne, who being duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832, to wit:

“I entered the service of the United States in the Army of the Revolution in the year 1778 the day and month I do not recollect in Randolph County in the State of North Carolina as a private volunteer in a volunteer company of horse militia commanded by Captain Thomas Dougan (his brother) and served in said Company to the best of my recollection one year during which time we were stationed at Bell’s Mill in said County of Randolph at a public store of provisions; said Bell then being a Commissary to furnish provisions for the Army of the Revolution.

During said years service I found my own horse, saddle and bridle and gun. Our company was raised for the purpose of guarding said public store and suppressing the Tories and disaffected with whom that country was then largely infected. During the years service aforesaid we were employed in guarding said public store and in detached companies in guarding provision wagons conveying provisions to said store and in collecting beeves and other provisions for said Store and in traversing the Country looking out for Tories and protecting the Country from their incursions. At the end of said years service said Captain Dougan was advanced to the rank of Major and William Gray the Ensign of said company was advanced to the rank of Captain of said Company and took the command thereof.

During said years service the inferior officers commanding in said company were of the said Captain Dougan were Lieutenant William Clark (his brother-in-law) and Ensign William Gray above named the said William Clark at the expiration of said year’s service to the best of my recollection resigned his post as Lieutenant one Newland was Commissioned Lieutenant in his stead whose given name I do not recollect and one Joseph Clark was commissioned Ensign in said Company I continued in said company under said Captain Gray Lieutenant Newland and Ensign Clark and served as a private until the termination of the war during which time we were Stationed at said Bell’s Mill when not engaged in active service until the latter part of the year 1782 to the best of my recollection after that time until the close of the war we were stationed when not engaged in active service at the House of Colonel Edward Sharp in said County of Randolph during all which time I found my own horse, saddle and bridle and arms the first active service during said latter period of my service was a short time after said Captain Gray took the command of said Company we were ordered out under the Command of Colonel John Collier and Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Belfour of said County of Randolph with a number of volunteers in all about 60 men we marched about 25 miles towards the east end of said last named County to opposite a company of Tories under the command of one Colonel Fannon [sic, David Fanning] a Tory Colonel who was embodying a Tory force in the County adjoining below ours the second night after leaving our Station we encamped at the house of one John Needham during the night we were attacked by Colonel Fanning and his Tory force after a short conflict we repulsed them with two of their men killed and four or five wounded.

The next morning we pursued Colonel Fanning and two days after the conflict we came upon one Captain Michael Robbins a Tory Captain with 10 or 12 Tories under his command we dispersed them with three of their men killed we then returned to our station at Bell’s Mill. The next active service we were engaged in was three or four months after the last named expedition we were ordered out in the fall I think in September the year I cannot recollect against the Highland Scotch of North Carolina who were embodying a Tory force about 60 or 70 miles from our station in the Highlands of said State we were joined by one Colonel Saunders of Wake County North Carolina with a body of over 100 men said Colonel Saunders took the Command of the whole and marched us into the highlands and across Cape Fear River we stole a march on the Tories by marching all might one night and took 14 prisoners.

Our company was ordered to guard and did guard the prisoners to Hillsboro in Orange County North Carolina the District jail we lodged the prisoners in jail and returned to our Station.

Another piece of service we rendered occurred a few weeks previous to the last named expedition (I did not think of it when I related the last named expedition) was in defending the public store at our station. The store was attacked by one Captain Edward Franklin a Tory Captain Commissioned by Lord Cornwallis and his company about 15 in number we repulsed them and the next day we pursued them, overtook them and killed Franklin (the Captain) and one of his men and dispersed the company.

The next active service that I now recollect that we engaged in I think occurred in March 1782 (the spring after Lord Cornwallis surrendered). Colonel Fanning and his company consisting of 40 or 50 Tories came into our County and ravaged the Country and killed Lieutenant Colonel Belfour and Captain John Bryan in their own houses and burned my mother’s house and barn (she being a widow) (this is a reference to Mary Kerr Dougan), Colonel Collier and Esq. Milligan’s houses. We pursued them and overtook them and put them to flight but the day being wet our guns misfired so that we only wounded two men.

The next piece of active service and the last service I did during the war occurred as follows: Colonel Elrod, Captain Michael Robbins and Captain Samuel Still Tory officers were passing through said County of Randolph. They killed one young man and wounded another we pursued them several days and our company separated into two parties one part of the company overtook them and killed Col. Elrod and Captain Still the part of the company I was in was not present when they were killed we marched over 100 miles over the Blue Ridge from thence we returned to the station at Colonel Sharp’s and shortly afterwards were disbanded.

I have no Documentary evidence to prove my services; owing to the great lapse of time and loss of memory I cannot now state positively whether I received any written discharge from my Captain But I do recollect that vouchers for my services were made out by my officers which were placed in the hands of my older brother Thomas Dougan who took them to Hillsboro North Carolina and purchased land for me with them. To the best of my recollection the rate of pay I received was $12 per month for my services. I hereby relinquish every claim to a pension or an annuity except the present and I declare that my name is not on the pension roll of any agency of any State in the Union.

Sworn to and subscribed in open Court the day and year above written. S/ Saml. Hannah, C. W. P. C. S/ John Dougan

And whereupon the Court proceeded to propound to the said John Dougan under his Oath the following interrogatories to wit

1st When and in what year were you born?
Answer: I was born in Lancaster County State of Pennsylvania January 9th, 1763, I was but six months old when my parents left Pennsylvania and moved to North Carolina.

2nd Have you any record of your age and if so where is it?
Answer: I have a record of my age in my Bible which was taken from the Records of my family.

3rd Where were you living when called into service: where have you lived since the Revolutionary War and where do you now live?
Answer: When called into service I lived in Randolph County North Carolina for several years since the revolutionary war I continued to live in the County and State last named perhaps six years I then removed to the State of Tennessee where I have lived until I removed to this State from whence I removed to this County (Wayne State of Indiana) where I have lived for the last 17 years and where I now reside.

4th How were you called into service; were you drafted; did you volunteer or were you a substitute, and if in substitute, for whom?
Answer: I volunteered

5th State the names of some of the regular officers who were with the troops when you served, such Continental and militia regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your service.
Answer: General Butler was the Brigadier General in the [word or words missing as a result of the tear in paper] in which I lived and was stationed one Suther-[word or words missing as a result of the tear in the paper] was the Colonel in the Regiment in which I served [word or words missing as a result of the tear in paper] he resigned before I entered the service and was succeeded in office by Colonel John Collier who was succeeded in office by Colonel James Dougan. These were the militia officers having command in the bounds including the place of my residence and where I was stationed I was not out in service under those man except a few days at a time when circumstances made it necessary to collect together as many troops as possible I was principally engaged in watching the movements of the Tories and disaffected and there were a great many of them in the part of the country where I served they would lie in wait and surprise small parties of the Army and break in upon and destroy the public stores these I usually attended as one of the guard and in guarding the wagons were invading provisions to the public stores.

6th Did you ever receive a discharge from the service, and if so, by whom was it given and what has become of it? 
Answer: I was regularly discharged at the end of the war and I received my pay in the manner stated in my Declaration so I cannot now recollect whether I received a written discharge or not if I did it is lost or mislaid.

7th State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood and who can testify as to your character for veracity and their belief in your services as a soldier in the revolution.
Answer: Captain William Gray my Ensign during part of my service and my Captain during the residue Captain Daniel Reid, Colonel Williams, Mr. Doughty and William Whitehead Esq. Sheriff of this County

And thereupon here comes into open Court before the Judge aforesaid on the judicial day aforesaid William Gray1 a resident of Preble County State of Ohio of lawful age who being duly sworn according to law on his oath says that he has heard the foregoing Declaration of said John Dougan distinctly read and that the statements made by the said John Dougan are true to the best of his (affiant’s) recollection that he (affiant) was the Ensign in the company stated in said Declaration during the first years service and that said John Dougan served the first year as stated in his said Declaration. That after the expiration of said years service Captain Thomas Dougan was advanced to the rank of Major and this affiant was commissioned Captain of said Company and took the command thereof as stated in the in said John Dougan’s Declaration and commanded the same until the termination of the Revolutionary War that this affiant thinks the year he was commissioned Captain of said company was [text missing as a result of a tear in the paper] and that said John Dougan faithfully served in said company under the command of this affiant as Captain as aforesaid as a private until the close of the Revolutionary War in 1782 and was honorably discharged that during the whole term of his service the said John Dougan furnished his own horse, saddle, bridle and arms for the service and that he served to the entire satisfaction of his officers that the said John Dougan is a man of good moral character and that his statements are entitled to the fullest credit and that said company was engaged in the service as stated in the said John Dougan’s Declaration in manner as he has stated and that this affiant for his services as an officer of the Army of the Revolution as stated in said John Dougan’s Declaration is now receiving a pension as a Revolutionary Pensioner on the roll of the Ohio Agency of $25 per month.

Subscribed and sworn to in open Court the day and year above named.
S/ Saml. Hannah, C. W. P. C. S/ William Gray, X his mark, Capt. State of Indiana, Wayne County

1 FPA W7576 Be it remembered that on this 18th day of October A. D. 1833 personally appeared before me the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for the said County of Wayne in this State of Indiana John Dougan aged 70 years on the 9th day of January last (1833) who being duly sworn deposeth and saith, that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service, but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than the periods mentioned below and in the following grades.

To wit: For one year commencing in the year 1778 and ending in 1779, I served as a private horse militia man as a volunteer Company of North Carolina horse militia commanded by Captain Thomas Dougan. And after the promotion of Captain Dougan of said company to the office of Major, I continued to serve in said Company of volunteers under the orders of Captain Gray as a private volunteer militia man for two years and six months more, being from sometime in the year 1779 to sometime in 1782 making at least three years and six months between the years 1778 and 1782 during all which time I was under an engagement to march, and did march at a moments warning whenever called by my said Captains or either of them. One year of which I served under Captain Dougan and two years & six months under Captain Gray as stated in my declaration, during which service I was either in the field in garrison or stationed to guard some military position in actual service for two years and did not, nor could not in consequence of said service, during the whole of the said Term of two years actual service, engage in, or follow any civil pursuit, and for such two whole years of active and actual service as a private volunteer militia man I claim a pension, and pray that this deposition may be attached to my declaration heretofore made as an amendment thereto.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of October A.D. 1833 S/ Danl. Stratton, JP S/ John Dougan

Note: On June 20, 1846, in Wayne County, Indiana, Martha Dugan, aged 83, made application for a widow’s pension stating that her husband died January 25, 1842, that she married him in 1784 (she could not recollect the precise date). Other documents in the file indicate that John Dugan married Martha Collin or Collier in December 1784 in Randolph County North Carolina. Their oldest child Margarette was born November 24, 1785 and she married someone named Fryar.

Dougan Rev. Robert Linn Dec 1765 Lancaster Co., PA 7 Mar 1837
Age: 72
Frankln Co., TN Elizabeth Scoby
b. 1785
m. 7 Oct 1796
d. 15 Oct 1860
Age 75

Robert Dougan
My 4th Great-grandfather, 1765-1837

Robert Dougan was born in December 1765. He was possibly born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania but since his father had purchased land in Randolph County, North Carolina around 1763, its possible he was born there. He was the youngest sibling in his family and his father died June 7, 1769 when Robert was only four. His mother lived until 1824 and died at 99 in Randolph County, North Carolina.

This passage from The Dyersburg States Gazette reference Robert’s cousins having been raised in Franklin County, Tennessee.

“It is unclear if the Major (Robert’s Uncle James Dougan) ever came to Dyer County, but his sons James Jr., Robert and Thomas (Robert’s cousins) all settled around the lake. The boys were raised in Franklin County, where Davy Crockett and his family also lived.”

“Robert Dougan was a prominent early settler, who came to Franklin County about 1800 or soon thereafter.”

From the above passage, one can assume Robert followed his cousins to Franklin County. Robert was certainly in the area by the age of 30 on Oct 7, 1796 when he married Elizabeth Scoby in Gallatin which is in Sumner County, Tennessee, very close to Franklin County.

Elizabeth was a sister of Lieutenant Joseph Scoby and a daughter of Matthew Scoby and is thought to have been living with her mother Janet in the home of one of her brothers in Sumner County when she married Robert Dougan in 1796.

More the Scoby Family

One of the early families to settle south of Obion Lake was the Scobey clan. Matthew Scobey, the ancestor of the family, had joined the colonials during the Revolution and died during the war, leaving behind a widow and seven boys. After the war Mrs. Scobey and her sons loaded up their worldly goods on a one-horse cart and made their way across the mountains to Fort Bledsoe. Only one week after their arrival the family had another setback when one of the sons, David, was killed during an Indian campaign. Despite these hardships the family became well established in Sumner County and eventually opened a ferry on the Cumberland River. While living in Middle Tennessee Mrs. Scobey’s son, Joseph, served in the War of 1812 as a Cornet under Colonels Coffee and Alcorn, and would later rise to the rank Captain. Like many young men, the Scoby brothers, were lured by the untamed land that lay to the west. In the 1820s John Scobey moved to Dyer County soon followed by Captain Scoby. Also relocating in the county was their sister Elizabeth who had married Robert Dougan in 1796. The Scoby and Benton Families

It’s possible Elizabeth Scoby was Robert’s second wife. If so, he possibly married the first wife in Randolph County.

The couple had two sons and six daughters together.

By 1820, Robert was 55 and still lived in Franklin County. There were 12 people living in his residence. Also living in the county at this time was Thomas Dougan, Sharp Dougan and Robert Dougan.

In the 1830s, Robert Dougan was an original trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church South in Winchester, Tennessee which is in Franklin County just south of Coffee County.

In 1833 and 34, Robert Dougan vouched for the characters and reputations of Larkin Reagan, Daniel McCoy, Thomas Kennerly, Wallis Estill, Jacob Rich, William Thompson, George Waggoner and James Givens on their Revolutionary War pension applications. On March 4, 1834 in Franklin County, Robert Dougan vouched his own brother’s Revolutionary War record.

Then, on March 16, 1834 John B. FORESTER, Congressman, certified that he was acquainted with James and Robert Dougan and he vouched for them.

James E. Scobey wrote about the Scoby family on October 28, 1920.

“The progenitors of this family, in the United States, were a man and woman, who emigrated from Ireland to America and settled in the Colony of North Carolina before the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The given names of these original Scobeys I do not know, and what I do know, I gathered from statements made by my grandfather in his conversations with others, when I was quite a lad.

My great grandfather, the original Scobey, when the Revolutionary War broke out, joined the Colonial Army to fight the British, and for the independence of the Colonies. He never returned to his family. He either died from disease or was killed in battle. His wife was left a widow with a family of seven boys, most of whom were small children.

After independence had been achieved, several families and others without families, conceived the idea of immigrating to Tennessee, then a part of the state of North Carolina. My great grandmother with her seven boys formed a part of the emigrating party, which made a start from North Carolina, with Fort Bledsoe, in Tennessee, as their objective.

Here Mrs. Scobey reared her family of boys to manhood. However, one of the boys was killed by the Indians, leaving her only six. Their names as I now remember, having heard my grandfather call them, were Hamilton, Matthew, Madison, James, John and Joseph.

After the country had been rid of hostile Indians, immigrants flowed in, and the country was being rapidly settled up. Matthew Scobey settled on the banks of the Cumberland River south of Gallatin established a ferry called then Scobey’s Ferry. He subsequently sold his possessions to a Mr. Bender, and the ferry, still in operation, for years past, and until now has been called Bender’s Ferry.”

Note: The children of Matthew and Janet that are known are David, Robert, Margart, Joseph, John, James, Mary, Jane and Elizabeth.


Robert Dougan died on March 7, 1837 at the age of 72. His brother, James Dougan died a little over a month later on February 9 at the age of 83.

The Will of Robert Dougan

The County of Franklin, State of TN, signed 19 Feb 1837 and recorded 7 March 1837 which states in part, “I desire that my three unmarried daughters Margaret, Ruth Caroline and Eleanor H. Dougan each have a horse given them by my executors…”

From the indenture of the will of Robert Dougan This indenture made this ? day of ? 1841 between Elizabeth Dougan, widow of Robert Dougan, deceased and Beverly M. Williamson & Harriet Eleanor, his wife, William Conn and Hannah, his wife & Ruth Caroline Dougan of Franklin County, Tennessee & Littlepage Dougan, Robert T(?) Dougan, Margaret Dougan & William Grant and William Farris and Mary, his wife, of the Republic of Texas of the one part, and Francis Turner of the county of Franklin and State of TN on the other part.

Robert Dougan’s will courtesy Amy Dougan Wakefield

The children of Robert and Elizabeth Scoby Dougan were:

Last First Born Location Born Died Location Died Spouse
Dougan Margaret Franklin Co., TN William Yancy
m. 23 Dec 1841
Madison Co., TN
d. 1846
Dougan Mary Franklin Co., TN William Farris
d. 1802
Dougan Page 1800 Franklin Co., TN 2 Sept 1876
Age: 76
Madison Co., TN
Buried: Providence MC Cemetery
Nancy Winford
b. 1804
m. 7 May 1822
d. 24 July 1839Elizabeth C.
m. 1839
The children of Page and Nancy Dougan were John, Robert, Alexander, Nancy Adeline, James Clark, Isaac Smith and Benjamin W.

Page and Nancy moved to Madison County, Tennessee near his sister Elenora Harriet and her husband Beverly Williamson. Like the Williamsons, Page and several of his children are buried at Providence Methodist Church in Madison County.

According to an ancestor, “Page Dougan showed up in Madison County in the 1850 Census. It appears he may have moved there after his first wife died (1839) and he remarried quickly. According to the Dougan Bible records below, “at least his third child, John Dougan, was born in Franklin County before they moved to Madison County. (Note: Page’s sister Elizabeth and her husband Beverly Williamson show up in Madison County in the 1850 census as well so they could have possibly moved together to Madison County.) His youngest son Benjamin Dougan (1836-1900) married Virginia Emma Brandon in Haywood county in 1868. They had 2 children that I have been able to find. Page Brandon and Emma A (son and daughter). Page Brandon married Daisy Primrose Drumwright in 1899 and they moved to Lauderdale. My Great grandmother Mary Daisy Dougan was born in 1900 in Ripley.”

Dougan Hannah 1807 Franklin Co., TN 1860
Age: 53
Rev. William Woodard Conn
b. 1796
m. 1837
d. 1876
The children of William and Hannah Dougan Conn were Sara Caroline Conn Bradshaw. Eleanor Jane Conn Sanders, Robert D. Conn, Margaret Hannah Conn Bryan Crouch , Martha W. Conn Sanders, Joesephus Page Conn., John W., and Petway Copland Conn

Most of the family lived and died in Coffee County, Tennessee.

Will probated in Manchester, Coffee, Tennessee.

Will of William W. Conn

I William W. Conn of the County of Coffee in the State of Tennessee do hereby make and publish this my last Will and Testament as follows, towit, It is my will and desire, that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease as may be consistent with the interest of my estate, this being done it is my will and desire that all my property both real and personal remain in the possession of my wife Hannah Conn during her life or widowhood to enable here to raise and educate our younger children, But should she marry again, then in that case I direct my executor herein named, to proceed and sell all my property both real and personal and apply the proceeds as I herein after direct.

My wife to have the portion that the law sits apart to her, and the remainder and residue to be divided as I herein after direct, Now if William H. and Richard G. Conn my two oldest sons and by my former wife shall not sue for nor invalue (could be involve) my Estate in costs for that portion of my land that I got from William Howard’s estate, then they are to share equally with my younger children by my last wife, but if they do sue it then is my will and desire that they shall not have anything more than they already had, which I will hereafter name.

To William H. and Richard G. Conn I have given a mare, Saddle & Bridle worth two hundred dollars each, now if they do not sue nor involve my estate as above named, and after my younger children who have not received that amount are made equal to them and Elizabeth Marry to whom I shall give a mare, saddle and bridle and other things worth two hundred dollars, then the remainder is to be equally divided between all my children to wit, William H., Richard G., Elizabeth Mary, Sarah Caroline, Eleanor I, Robert D., Margaret H., Martha W., Josephus P., John W., and Petway C. Conn.

It is further my desire that should any of my children marry or arrive at the age of twenty one years, if the interest of my Estate will admit of the same, that they be made equal in advancements to my first three named children, and lastly I hereby appoint Lafayette Bryant Executor to this my last will and Testament.

In testimony where of I have herein to set my hand and seal, this December 30th day in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty Seven.

William W. Conn [seal]
Signed sealed and acknowledged
in the presence of us
Jane C (x) Wilson
Francis Summers
John P. Hindman Coffee County Will Book 1. p301

William Conn’s grandfather was The Reverend Hugh Conn, one of the founders of the Presbyterian church. The circumstances around his death made for a very interesting obit.

Thursday, July 9, 1752
On Sunday the 28th of June last, the Reverend Mr. Hugh Conn, a Presbyterian Minister, as he was preaching to a Congregation near Bladensburg in Prince George’s County, dropp’d down dead in his Pulpit. The Subject he was upon gave him Occasion to mention ” the Certainty of Death, the Uncertainty of the Time when it might happen, the absolute Necessity of being continually prepared for it, the vast Danger of Delay to be constantly in such a State, or trusting to a Death Bed Repentance; for that altho’ we may possibly live some Years, yet, we may be called away in a Month, or in a Week, or for aught any one could tell, Death might surprise us the next Moment;” which last Part of his Discourse he was observed to deliver with some Elevation of Voice; but had scarce utter’d the Word Moment, when, without speaking any more (putting one Hand to his Head, and the other to his Side), he fell backward and expired, verifying in a most extraordinary Manner the Truth of his Doctrine.

Photo: Phoebe Conn

William and Hannah Conn’s son, Dr. Petway Copeland Conn, was one of Oklahoma’s first state Senators in 1907. Petway married Fannie Lenora Dye and they had several sons including Leslie Dye Conn. “L.D” was the father of Phoebe Conn, a published author of many romance novels. Check her work out on Facebook

Dougan Elizabeth 8 Feb 1812 Franklin Co., TN 02 Nov 1836
Age: 53
William Grant
m. 1825
The children of William and Elizabeth Dougan Grand were Robert H. Grant, Martha E. Grant, Ursley J. Grant, James A. Grant, Mary C. Grant.
Dougan Elenora Harriett 15 Feb 1818 Franklin Co., TN 15 Oct 1860
Age: 42
Madison Co., TN
Buried: Providence MC Cemetery
Beverly Williamson
b. 1813
m.31 Jul 1838
d. 1877
Age: 42
Providence MC Cemetery
Dougan Robert 1812 Franklin Co., TN 1849
Age: 37
The children of Robert and Louisa Dougan were William R., Sarah E., John and James.
Dougan Ruth Caroline 1822 Franklin Co., TN 1859
Age: 37
Turner Jones
b. 1817
m. 1841
The children of Turner and Ruth Dougan Jones were Joseph, Lizzie and Martha.

Elenora Harriet Dougan married Beverly Williamson, my 3rd great-grandparents, in Franklin County, Tennessee and together they settled on land on the border of Madison and Haywood Counties around Providence Methodist Church. You can read more about this family on the The Williamson page.

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