My direct descendants are in bold type. This is a work in progress. Much of my direct line is documented, but some may not be. If there is a question, I usually include words like “seems likely” or “possibly” in hopes that it may help someone else or eventually get me closer to documentation. Also, I do make errors when transferring info to my files or to the site. If you find errors that you can correct, please e-mail me and I’ll gladly make the changes or if you have more information on anyone mentioned here and can share it, I would be really appreciative.
John Yelverton Sr.
My 7th Great-grandfather, 1685-1750
John Yelverton, Sr. was born in England around 1685 but by 1703 had traveled to North Carolina where he married Elizabeth Blount. Elizabeth was the granddaughter of Captain James Blount (1620-1686), a member of the North Carolina House of Burgesses.
The book, “Meade’s Families of Virginia” refers to the Yelvertons as one of the oldest and best families in pre-Revolutionary Virginia.
John and Elizabeth and their family lived on Queen Anne’s Creek in Edenton, North Carolina. Edenton was named after Governor Charles Eden who was the stepfather of my sixth great grandmother, Penelope.
In 1704, John was a juror in Perquimans County, NC.
On 17 Dec 1712, both John and his father-in-law John Blount, along with other men in their community, gave bushells of Indian corn “by order of Maj. Gale for public service.”
James Blount was a colonial official and one of 18 leaders in a political battle that came to be known as Culpeper’s Rebellion. It was one of the very first acts of rebellion in any of the English colonies. More about James Blount
The corn was collected to feed a South Carolina army of 33 white men and 850 Indians. Among these were over 300 Cherokee and 50 Yamassee. The balance included warriors of the various Siouan tribes of the Carolinas.
The South Carolina army had arrived to help the North Carolina settlers in their war with the Tuscarora Indians. The first attack from this local tribe and the one that had started this war began on 22 September 1711, when hundreds of settlers were killed along the Roanoke River by the Indians.
Baron Christoph Von Graffenried’s drawing, The Death of John Lawson, depicts colonists being held captive by Tuscarora Indians. Image courtesy of North Carolina State Archives, Division of Archives and History.
“At sunrise on the morning of September 22, 1711, the blow fell. Divided into small war parties, the Indians swept down the Neuse and along the south shore of the Pamlico. Two hours later, 130 colonists lay dead, about the same number on each stream.
Some were tortured horribly, others were desecrated after death. Many were left wounded. The less fortunate were taken captive.
The rest of the people fled for their lives, leaving the bodies of their loved ones to be eaten by wolves and vultures. In their violence, the Indians had no regard for age or sex. After several days of slaughter and destruction, the enemy drew back into Hancock’s Town to rest for further violence. With them, they took plunder and captives, including women and children.” Source
There were two groups of Tuscarora. The Northern group was led by Chief Tom Blount who occupied the area around what would become Bertie County on the Roanoke River. Chief Blount’s relationship with John Yelverton’s wife’s family is not certain. Some beleive he was an orphan raised by one of her brother’s families while others think he was actually the offsping of one of the Blount sons and an indian woman. Regardless of connection to the Blounts, the Tuscarora chief was baptised “Chief Tom Blount.” His tribe did not go to war with the settlers.
Those Tuscarora who survived the war signed a treaty with the settlers in June 1718. It granted them a tract of 56,000 acres of land on the Roanoke River in what is now Bertie County. This was the area already occupied by Chief Tom Blount and his people.
About 1720, when John Yelverton was in his early 40s, he settled his family along the Roanoke River. According to a deed between he and John Stewart, John was a shoemaker.
On 11 July 1724, John purchased 211 acres from his brother-in-law, James Blount.
On March 13, 1724, John deeded to John Stewart a tract of 100 acres of land which contained “houses, orchards, gardens, fencing timbers & trees, woods, water & waters courses.”
The Yelverton home likely looked similar to the Barker-Moore House located in the same area and built in 1782.
John died in 1750 around the age of 65 in Edenton, North Carolina.
The children of John and Elizabeth Blount Yelverton were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Yelverton | James | 1704 | Chowan Co., NC | 1725 Age: 21 |
Ann Melton b. 1708 m. 1724 d. 1755 |
James died very soon after his marriage. He and Ann had one child, a son named Jacob. | ||||||
Yelverton | Elizabeth | 1708 | Chowan Co., NC | |||
Yelverton | Elizabeth | 1708 | Chowan Co., NC | |||
Yelverton | Ann | 1711 | Chowan Co., NC | Richard Melton b. 1705 m. 1725 d. 4 Jan 1763 |
The children of Richard and Ann Yelverton Melton were Richard, Yelverton, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Samuel. In 1728, Ann’s brother John witnessed Richard’s will: Richard Molton(Melton) to Ann Yelverton 10 Jan 1725 For love & affection I do owe and bear unto Ann Yelverton d/o John & Elizabeth Yelverton at Oldfield, to her & her hiers forever if she should die without heirs of her body to return to her eldest sister Elizabeth & her hiers. Witnesses: John Yellverton, John Nairne, Jurat and Andrew Frasher May Court 1728 |
Yelverton | John Jr. | 1715 | Chowan Co., NC | Oct 1795 Age: 80 |
Wayne Co., NC | Elizabeth Downey m. 1740 d. 1818 |
John Yelverton Jr.
My 6th Great-grandfather, 1720-1795
John Yelverton Jr. was born around 1721 in Perquimans, Chowan County, NC. In 1740 he married Elizabeth Downey. Elizabeth’s lineage seems to be unknown. He lived for a period in Edgecombe County in what would become Tarboro, NC and then moved to what would become Northern Wayne County, NC about 1756.
This is very likely where he was living on April 19, 1775 when Minutemen and British redcoats clashed at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts and The Revolutionary War began. John was about 54 years old.
Thanks to the efforts of Leah Rudduck, John Yelverton Jr.’s patriot status has been confirmed by the DAR:
Ancestor #: A001570
Service Source: NC REV WAR PAY VOUCHERS, #230, ROLL #S.115.136;
John Yelverton Jr. has also been approved as a Patriot by the Sons of the American Revolution (See NSSAR # 116843, DC# 03744)
In one record, John is refered to as a “cord winder” which was the trade of shoe making. John’s service description during the war was “rendering material aid” so perhaps he made shoes for the soldiers.
According to a message board post by Doug Radar, John Yelverton’s last land acquisition was about 1770 while the war was still underway.
“John bought land from William Bennett. Unfortunately, that deed was registered during the burned deed period, so all we know about it is that it happened, and was registered in (now-burned) Book 8, page 245. None of the obvious William Bennett grants for which papers still exist correspond with this land, as far as I can tell. John deeded his core homestead lands before he died in 1795 to his sons Hardy Yelverton and Noah Yelverton.”
George Washington arrived outside Yorktown with combined Franco-American force of 18,900 men and began besieging Cornwallis in early October 1781. For several days, the French and Americans bombarded the British defenses until Cornwallis surrendered his entire army of over 7,000 men on October 19, 1781. While the fighting ended, the formal end of the war did not happen until the Treaty of Paris and Treaties of Versailles were signed on September 3, 1783. The last British troops left New York City on November 25, 1783, and the United States Congress of the Confederation ratified the Paris treaty on January 14, 1784.
John Yelverton lived to see America become a free nation but by November 24, 1784, he must have felt it was time to get his affairs in order when, at age 63, he sold to his son, Hardy Yelverton (registered 1785; WCDB 1, page 381), two tracts on the north side of Nahunta Swamp in Green County, NC, it being, according to the deed, “the same land and plantation wherein I the sd. John Yelverton now live.”
However, nearly 10 years later, on May 2, 1795, John Yelverton Jr. was still around to prepare his will and by October, when it was recorded, he had died. He was around 75 when he died.
John Yelverton Will
May 2, 1795
Original spelling and punctuation maintained
Copied by and from the NC State ArchivesIn the name of God Amen I John Yelventon of Wayne County & State of No Carolina being of Sound & parfect mind and memory, blessed to God, do this second Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninty five make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to Say ————–
I Lend to my beloved Wife Elisabeth Yelventon during her natril Life or widowhood all my Estate that I am in possession of at this time and after the Dearth or marrage of my wife I give and Devise in manner and form following:
I give and bequeath to my Eldest Son Noah Yelventon four Negros by the name of Samuel Abram Soloman & Elias also one Fether Bed & firniture one Whip saw and Half my StillItem
I Give and bequeth to my Son Hardy Yelventon four negros by the name of Dick Judah Jacob & Litha and ther increase also one fether bedd & firniture and my Desk and the other Half of my Still————————-Item
I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Martha Woodard one Negro woman named Anne She & her increase and Twenty Shillings—————–Item
I Give and bequeath to my Daughter Elisabeth Donning one negro womant by the name of Selah [S lah] She and her increase and Twenty Shillings———-Item
I give [rest of line unreadable as it is the last line of the paper is torn][next page]
[top line torn] …Children [L]ancy] when eleven & Martha Powell Ten pounds a peace to be raised out of my Estate—- Item
I give and bequeath unto my Gran son Isham Revelle Ten Shillings——-Item
I Give and bequeath unto my Gran Daughter Anney Alford Ten Shillings——and the remander part of my Estate I Leave to be Devided betwen my four Children that is to say Noah Hardy Martha & Elisabeth Eiquelly by my Exceutors
I also appoint Benjamin Fort & my Wife and my Two Sons Noah & Hardy Yelventon my only & Sole Executors of this my Last will and testament and I do here by utterly disallow revoake and disannull all and every other former testament will and legaceses bequests and Executors by me in any wife before this time named willed and bequeathed ratifying and Confirming this & no other to be my last will and testament.
In Witness there of I have here unto set my Hand and Seal the Day of Year a bove written ————–
Signed Sealed Published & Declard by the sd John Yelventon as his Last will and Testament In the presence of us the Subscribing witnesses that is to say John Blont + The Ex all If [unreadable] his Richard Brasewell + the woman John X Yelventon {Seald} his mark Jesse X BraswellFile contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Lou T Walker
March 21, 2009, 8:37 pmSource: NC State Archives – Orginal Written: May 2, 1795 Recorded: October 1795
Elizabeth Downey Yelverton died in May 1818 in Wayne County, NC.
The children of John and Elizabeth Blount Yelverton were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Yelverton | Elizabeth | Chowan Co., NC | Joseph Downing | |||
Yelverton | Sarah | Chowan Co., NC | Possibly Alfred Powell | |||
Yelverton | Hardy J. | 1755 | Chowan or Wayne Co., NC | Nov 1828 Age: 73 |
(Dobbs) Wayne Co., NC | Possibly
Mary Jane Dees but unconfirmed |
Yelverton | Noah | Before 1755 | Chowan or Wayne Co., NC | 1803 | (Dobbs) Wayne Co., NC | Elizabeth Pakerbefore 1755 |
Children: Pealie, Dicey, & 4 other daughters
Noah was an officer in the Dobbs County Militia prior to the Revolutionary War. He received payment from the State of North Carolina for rendering material aid to the Revolutionary Cause. He owned extensive land along the Nahunta Swamp in Wayne County, NC. |
Yelverton | Martha | Abt 1760 | Wayne Co., NC | Sumter, SC | James Woodward Sr. b. 15 Aug 1757 m. 1782 d.1832 Sumter, SC |
Yelverton | Nancy | Abt 1760 | Wayne Co., NC | John Sauls b. 1770 |
Children: Betty, Burwell. Charlotte, Patsy, Smitha, William, Clarky, Etheldred, and Nancy |
Hardy Yelverton was born in 1755 in North Carolina to John Jr. and Elizabeth Downey Yelverton. While the identity of his wife is unknown she was possibly Mary Jane Dees.
Hardy Yelverton obtained and sold a lot of property in and around Wayne County, NC during his lifetime so he was quite wealthy.
He obtained two government land grants himself, both dated 1784.
Just like his father, John Jr., Hardy was a patriot during the Revolutonary War.
DAR Records for Hardy Yelverton
Ancestor #: A097142
In 1780 Hardy’s name shows up in a petition of Wayne Co. residents seeking new commissioners. He obtained two government land grants himself, both dated 1784.
Hardy Yelverton held most of his lands until his old age, when he sold or gifted his lands to his sons, shortly before he died. In 1818, he sold 150 acres to Jason Yelverton. It was wittnessed by Ethledred Yelverton and Cloe Yelverton another son and daughter.
He gift-deeded his core plantation to two sons, John Yelverton and Etheldred Yelverton in 1826, just before he died in 1829.
One of his plantations was called, “The Foxpond.”
Hardy Yelverton wrote his will on Jan. 23, 1828 and died the next year in 1829.
Hardy Yelverton Will
23 Jan 1828 proved Nov 1829
Transcribed from original will from NC State Archives Spelling and punctuation retained.
In The name of God Amen I Hardy Yelverton of the County of wayne and State of No. Carolina Calling to mind the frailty of life and Certainty of death but of Sound mind and Desposing memory do make and – Ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following
Viz first I Recommend my Soul to God who give it me my body to the Earth to be Buried In a decent Christian like manner and as touching All my worldly Estate which it has pleased God to Bless me with I leave in manner and form following
To Wit – – – – – First I Give and bequeath unto my beloved Son James Yelverton [fold of paper torn and taped and unreadable] Fourty lived formily Called the foxpond land to him and his heirs forever also my Blacksmith tools – – –
Second I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Cloe Wooton al the land and plantation whereon I – Now live to here and her heirs lawfully begotten of her body forever – ———–
thirdly I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Dillilah Walker two negro boys by the names of Oflen & Philip to her and her heirs lawfully Begotten of her body forever—-
Turn over [next page] Fourthly I gave and bequeath unto my beloved Grand son Jame ThB Hall tow negros by the name of Avy and her Child Frony forever But if he should die leaving no Child For the sd negros to be divided between Cloe Wooton and Delliah Walker to them and their heirs lawfully begotten of their Body
Fifthly I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Jason Yelverton one negro man by the name of Lirvan to him and his heirs forever – – –
Sixthly the balance of my negroes I leave to be set up and sold allowing no person to bid Except the heirs and the money arising from the Sale to be Equally divided among all and all the rest of my property to be Sold to the highest bider and the profits arising from the Sale to be equally Divided Between my lawfull heirs Share and Share a like
and lastly I do nominate and appoint my sons Jason Yelverton and Ethd Yelverton my whole and Sole Executors to this my
turn [next page]
Last will and testament where unto I have set my hand and affixed my in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty Eight and on the twenty third Day of JanuarySigned and Sealed
Hardy Y Yelverton {Seal}
In presents of us
Bryan Lane
Matthew Jinnett
[next page]
Wayne County Nov. Term 1829
Ther was the witten Will of Hardy Yelverton duly proved in open Court by the oath of Matthew Jinnett a subscribing Witness & at the same time Jacinth Yelverton & Etheldred Yelverton appeared in open Court and was duly Qualified as executors as named in said Will. [unknown word] letters of Testamony [unknown word].
P. Hooks Clk
The children of Hardy Yelverton and his wife were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Yelverton | Jason | 1780 | Wayne Co., NC | March 1850 Age: 70 |
Wayne Co., NC | Elizabeth b. about 1780 |
Children: Noah, Penelope, Martha, Benjamin Hardy, Elizabeth, and Nancy
Benjamin Hardy Yelverton was charged with “bastardy” twice. He served as a sergeant in the 8th NC Senior Reserves, Gardner’s Company, during the Civil War. Jason’s son Noah was the father of Stephen B. Yelverton, who was the father of Milas Franklin Yelverton who was the father of Malcolm S. Yelverton, a rockabilly and country musician who released a record on Sun Records in 1954, just after Elvis Presley. |
Yelverton | Bryant | About 1782 | Wayne Co., NC | 1832 Age: 50 |
Tigg Co., GA | Penelope Sherrard b. 1 Feb 1794 d. 25 May 1864 |
Children: Sherrard E. Sanders, Robert J., Moses C. Sr., Sebern J., William Bryant, Caroline Elizabeth, and Wright B. | ||||||
Yelverton | Etheldred Sr. | 1784 | Wayne Co., NC | 1851 Age: 67 |
Wayne Co., NC | Mary “Polly” Forest b.1781 m. 1808 d. 1862 |
Yelverton | James | 1787 | Wayne Co., NC | 1855 | Wayne Co., NC | Delaney Sauls b. before 1795 d. 1862 |
Children: Henry Gray, Charity, Bryant, James, Mary E., Rufus W., and Robert Sauls
On Feb. 16, 1820 Henry Sauls deeded a gift of land to James and Delaney Sauls Yelverton. Jame’s brother John was a witness. |
Yelverton | John | 1790 | Wayne Co., NC | About 1860 | Wayne Co., NC | |
Children: Mordicai W., Mary, Clarissa, Daughter 2, Smithy, Deborah, John A., and Zacariah | ||||||
Yelverton | Chloe | Before 1790 | Wayne Co., NC | Before 1850 | NC | Thomas Wooten b. 1789 |
Yelverton | Delillah | Before 1800 | Wayne Co., NC | Walker |
Etheldred Yelverton
My 4th Great-grandfather, 1784-1851
Etheldred Yelverton was born in 1784 in Wayne County, NC. to Hardy Yelverton and an unknown mother.
In 1808, at the age of 24, in Wayne County, NC he married Mary A. Forrest who was 18. Mary was the daughter of George and Winifred Joyner Forrest. The Forrest family only lived in Wayne County for approximately 10 years. According to research by Doug Radar, shortly after their daughter was married, around 1812, they moved about 50 miles from Wayne County to Pitt County.
George Forrest sold his son-in-law Elthedred 37 acres of Wayne County land when he moved away. It was referred to as the “Outland tract.”
On Dec 8, 1812 Etheldred C. Yelverton bought land witnessed by James Yelverton and Delilah Yelverton.
Etheldred and Polly farmed and had 12 children together, all of whom seemed to have lived to adulthood.
Etheldred Yelverton is listed as farmer in the Wayne County, NC census of 1850, page 209B, with $6,200 in property. Etheldred was 66 and Mary was 60. Six of their children were still farming with them. The family had a large number of slaves and, Ethedred’s will implies that they were farming a very substantial plantation.
Living two plantations away was the family of William and Mary Sauls. Both Etheldred’s aunt and one of his sons were married to Sauls.
Next door to Etheldred was the family of his brother, John Yelverton.
The census of 1850 shows him at 66 still living in Wayne Co., NC with “Mary” who is 60. Five of his children still lived in his home: John, May, Druceller, Robert and Etheldred Jr. Polly was a common nickname for women named Mary during this time and this is how she was refered to in Etheldred’s will.
Etheldred died in 1851.
The children of Etheldred Sr. and Mary A. “Polly” Forest Yelverton were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Yelverton | Daughter 1 | Around 1809 | Wayne Co., NC | |||
Yelverton | Hardy | 12 Nov 1810 | Wayne Co., NC | 11 Apr 1887 | Wilson Co., NC | Mary J. Bardin b. 1 Jan 1818 m. about 1833 d. 8 July 1860 |
The children of Hardy and Mary were Penelope, Nancy, John T., Mary Ann, Drucilla, George Joyner, Sarah, Hardy Forest | ||||||
Yelverton | Thomas Whitney | 1 Jan 1812 | Wayne Co., NC | 21 June 1890 | Wayne Co., NC | Nancy Cumi Farmer b.18 July 1819 m. 25 Aug 1840 d.22 Feb 1896 |
![]() Thomas and Nancy Yelverton About 1850 Thomas Yelverton, who was a wealthy farmer, built a house east of Freemont, NC in Wayne County, in the center of his more than 1,000 acres of farm land. Thomas was given a portion of the farm from his father Etheldred in 1839 and continued purchasing land in subsequent years. At the end of the nineteenth century, Thomas and Nancy’s farmhouse burned. Their son, Dred Yelverton, purchased a blueprint from well-known architect George F. Barber and hired a contractor in Freemont to construct a new house about 1900. Dred encountered a problem with the contractor, filed a lawsuit and lost. The house stood unfinished for years. The census taker of 1910 recorded Dred and his twin, Nannie, aged 52 living in a house across the road from their homeplace. In 1912, Dred married which triggered the completion of the home in 1913. Nanci had a twin sister, Edith, who married her husband’s brother, George Teaberry. The Dred Yelverton home in 1919 and 2009. You can read more about the house on the National Park Services Website. |
Yelverton | Winnifred | 1814 | Wayne Co., NC | Aug 1861 | Wayne Co., NC | Zachariah Davis b. 26 Sept 1808 m. abt 1832 d. btwen 1844/50 |
The children of Winnifred and Zachariah were Celia, Thomas Fletcher, John E., Nancy D. | ||||||
Yelverton | Hyman | About 1818 | Wayne Co., NC | About 1887 | Elizabeth Yelverton b. 1822 m. 13 Sept 1853 d. about 1880 |
The children of Hyman and Elizabeth were Drucilla W., Mary E., George S., Hardy Jason | ||||||
Yelverton | George Teaberry | 1819 | Wayne Co., NC | Before 1860 | Glennie Edith Farmer b. 19 July 1819 m. 31 Jan 1848 d. before 1860 |
The children of George and Glennie were Williams Thomas, Nancy Victoria, Mary Jane, John Calhoon, Lincy Olivia, and Penelope. Edith was the twin sister of Nanci Cumi who was married to George’s brother. |
Yelverton | John | 20 Oct 1820 | Wayne Co., NC | 1904 | Wilson Co., NC | Indianna Sasser b. 10 Apr 1841 m. 29 Nov 1860 d. 3 Nov 1922 |
The children of John and Indianna were Mary W., Julia E., Nannie Cornelia, Thomas Lafayette, Emily L. Ethelred, John Lews, Sr., Elizabeth Indianna, Sarah S. Williams Enoch, Minnie M. Annie Viloa, Samuel Robert | ||||||
Yelverton | Nancy | 1822 | Wayne Co., NC | 1887 | NC | John E. Davis b. 15 April 1817 d. Nov 1850 |
The children of Nancy and John were Whitney Thomas, George W., John Adams, Ezekial M., Mary Elizabeth, and Zachariah Pinkney. | ||||||
Yelverton | Samuel | 1828 | Wayne Co., NC | After 1876 | Haywood County, TN | Ann M. Forrest b. 1834 m. 1850 d. after 1880 |
Yelverton | Drusilla | 1829 | Wayne Co., NC | Betwn 1961/80 | NC | Leonard Lewis b. 1833 m. 18 Feb 1856 d. Nov 1890 |
The children of Drusilla and Leonard were Etheldred F., and William. | ||||||
Yelverton | Robert W. | 1832 | Wayne Co., NC | 1899 | Wayne Co., NC | Missouri W. Heath September 1841 m. 8 Feb 1858 d. Nov 1890 |
The children of Robert and Missouri were Antoinette, John Robert, Drucilla F., Emma D., Samuel, Albert, Walter Joyner, George Elliott, and Thadeus Eugene. | ||||||
Yelverton | Etheldred Jr. | 1834 | Wayne Co., NC | 1919 | NC | |
Yelverton | Heath | 1841 | Wayne Co., NC | 1919 | NC |
Samuel Yelverton
My 3rd Great-grandfather, 1828-1876

Samuel W. Yelverton, was born in 1828 in Wayne County, NC.
Samuel’s mother, Mary A. “Polly” Forest Yelverton, had a brother, Samuel W. Forrest. It’s likely that Polly named her son after his uncle.
Samuel W. Forrest, had moved, along with his brother, Thomas Joyner Forest to Haywood County from Pitt Co., NC in 1826 along with several other families.
By the time he was 22, Samuel Yelverton had moved to Haywood County. In the Haywood County census of 1850, Samuel is living in the home of his Uncle Samuel, his wife, Zilpha and daughter, Ann.
Also, around 1850, Samuel married the daughter of his uncle, his first cousin, Ann M. Forrest.
On September 22, 1858, Mary A. and Thomas Cobb deeded 18 acres to Samuel Yelverton. (V-782) Source: Nicholas Cobb Descend., Pg. 533
By the time of the 1860 census, Samuel was 32 and his wife Ann was 26 and they already had the first five of their eleven children.
Their young children living at home were Polly, Margaret, Samuel Jr., Dred and Thomas.
Samuel listed the value of his real estate as $3,200 and property of $3,200. At this time, Samuel owned four slaves, two females who were age 15, one who was eight and a male who was four.
The 1860 slave schedule does not have a slave house on his property but Ann’s family had five so it can be assumed Samuel’s slaves lived with and/or were related to the slaves of Ann’s family.
Living on the farm next door were Ann’s parents Samuel and Zilpha Forrest. The value of their personal property was $10,660 which was a considerable amount for this time and location.
By the census of 1870, Sam was 41 and Ann was 36. Polly seems to have married and moved away while Maggie, though now married to Benjamin Marbury, brought her husband to live with her family. At that time, Samuel Forrest was 15, Etheldred was 12, Thomas Jack was 10, Nancy Jane was eight, John L. was six, Gabriel was four and Dolly H. was two.
Also living in the home at that time was Ann’s now widowed mother, 75 year-old Zelpha Forrest.
The value of Sam’s real estate was listed at $4,000 and his personal estate was $1,500. According to the census, he could neither read nor write.
At 12, Etheldred and the younger children were “at school,” while Sam, who was 15, was listed as a farmhand.
Six years later, in 1876, Samuel died at the age of 48 and Ann died at the age of 46 in 1880.
Sam and Ann’s daughter, Maggie Yelverton Marbury is my third great grandmother. She was the mother of Hardy Joyner Marbury who was the father of Allie Urn Marbury Brantley who was the mother of Virginia Brantley Lovelace who was the mother of my mother, Shirley Lovelace Williams.
Sam and Ann’s daughter, Nancy Jane Yelverton Lovelace is my second great grandmother. She was the mother of Jim Lovelace who was the father of Guy Lovelace who was the father of my mother Shirley Lovelace Williams.
The children of Samuel and Ann Yelverton were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Yelverton | Polly Whitney | 11 Nov 1850 | Madison Co., TN | 13 March 1927 Age: 77 |
Denmark, TN | Benjamin Franklin Curlin b. 19 Apr 1848 m. 12 July 1868 d. 1903 |
The children of Polly and Benjamin were John Franklin, James Clinton, Polly Anderson, and Rosa Valentine.
B.F. Curlin’s Will |
Yelverton | Margaret “Maggie” R. | 1853 | Madison Co., TN | 1884 Age: 31 |
Haywood Co., TN Burried: Zion Baptist Church Cemetery |
Benjamin “Ben” Franklin Marbury b. 16 June m. 20 Sept 1868 d. 1884 Age: 35 Burried: Zion Baptist Church Cemetery |
The children of Ben and Mary Yelverton Marbury were Wiley S., Hardy Joyner, Robert Woodson, John W., Robert J., and Frances Catherine Rosa.
Maggie Yelverton and Ben Marbury are my third great grandparents. They were the parents of Hardy Joyner Marbury who was the father of Allie Urn Marbury Brantley who was the mother of Virginia Brantley Lovelace who was the mother of Shirley Lovelace Williams who was my mother. You can read more about them on my blog or on the Marbury page of my Web site. |
Yelverton | Samuel | 4 July 1854 | Madison Co., TN | 11 Aug | Gosnell, AR | Frances Venora |
The child of Samuel and Frances was T. N. Yelverton. | ||||||
Yelverton | Etheldred “Dred” | 17 July 1857 | Madison Co., TN | 1936 Age: 79 |
Madison County, TN Age: 78 Burried: Woodland Cemetery, Haywood County, TN |
Sallie Wilkins b. 3 May 1859 d. 8 April 1901 Age: 41 Eudie Betty Parker |
The children of Dred and Sallie were Annie, Maggie, Ivy Franklin, Glenna, Willis Wilkins, Harry Lewis and Harvey.
After Sallie’s death in 1901, Dred married Betty in 1902. The children of Dred and Betty were Samuel Edward, May Marie, Lessie Bebe, David Olie, Fred Rainer, Etheldred Hardy Jr., and Alsey Thomas.
According to his death certificate, Dred died at 5:17 a.m. of “apoplexy” which meant either a stroke or heart attack. This house off Hwy 138 is in the Woodland area of Haywood County and is believed to be what is left of the home of Ethelred H. Yelverton and his family. A Yelverton descendent, says her grandmother remembered Etheldred as being a very mean man who was known for things like chaining his son up to a tree in the front yard and, once, causing a man to die by scaring him to death. He apparently lived up to his nickname, “Dred.” According to his death certificate, Dred died at 5:17 a.m. of “apoplexy” which meant either a stroke or heart attack. It’s interesting that his mother’s name is listed as Annie W. Sherrod when her name was actually, Annie W. Forrest but her MOTHER’s maiden name was Sherrod…Zilpha Sherrod. |
Yelverton | Nancy Jane | 1 Feb 1861 | Madison Co., TN | 13 Feb 1936 Age: 75 |
Haywood Co., TN Burred: Zion Bapt. Church Cemetery, Haywood Co. |
Charles Buchannan Lovelace b. 20 Feb 1858 m. 14 Nov 1877 d. 16 Nov 1938 Age: 80 Burried: Zion Baptist Church Cemetery |
The children of Charles B. and Nancy Jane Yelverton Lovelace were: Addie, Dora L., William Wilbert, James Luther “Jim”, Eva Pearl, Ida M. Arthur Franklin, Alice F. Lizzie B. Zelma V. Parrie Volan, Bethie Clara
Nancy Jane and Charles Lovelace are my second great grandparents. They were the parents of Jim Lovelace who was the father of Guy Lovelace who was the father of Shirley Lovelace Williams who is my mother. For more details on all the children of Nancy Jane and Charles Buchanan Lovelace, see the Lovelace page of Charles B. and Nancy Jane Yelverton Lovelace. Photo from Marie Lovelace Carlton
Headstone of Charles B. and Nancy Jane Yelverton Lovelace in Zion Baptist Church Cemetery in Haywood County, TN. Nancy Jane Yelverton Lovelace’s death certificate. Like her brother Dred’s death certificate, |
Yelverton | Thomas Jack | April 1863 | Haywood Co., TN | After 1920 | Likely Madison Co., TN | |
In the 1920 census in Madison Co., TN, Jack Yelvertson is 56 and living with his neice Polly Ramsey, her husband Rollin and their children. He is listed as being an Uncle. Also living with the family is Jack’s sister, and Polly’s mother, Polly Curlin (pictured above).
The Ramsey’s live a few farms away from E.H. Yelverton and his wife Eudie and their children. Right next door to the Ramsey’s were Ivy Yelverton and his wife Nora, and their children and Harry Yelverton with his wife Dollie and their young daughter Etta. |
Yelverton | John L. | Dec 1864 | Haywood Co., TN | After 1930 | ||
Yelverton | Dolly Ann | 20 Oct 1868 | Haywood Co., TN | 15 Apr 1931 Age: 62 |
Likely Joplin, MO | Alexander Green Howell b. 1867 m. 1890 d. 10 May 1932 |
The children of Alexander Green and Dolly Ann Yelverton Howell were Alexander Nuton, Elic V. and William Felix. | ||||||
Yelverton | Gabriel “Gabe” H. | Oct 1868 | Haywood Co., TN | 22 Jan 1933 Age: 64 |
Madison Co., TN | Mary Alice Moore b. Oct 1868 d. 22 Jan 1933 |
The children of Gabe and Alice were and Hattie, Lillie, Maud, Bessie, Ruth, Dorsen, Carmack Finis and Wilma. Finis and Carmack were mechanics in Haywood County. | ||||||
Yelverton | Effie G. | Aug 1875 | Haywood Co., TN | 9 Mar 1939 Age: 63 |
Haywood Co., TN | William Ernest Studard b. 7 Oct 1874 m. 20 Aug 1892 d. 2 Mar 1964 Age: 91 |
The child of Effie and Ernest was William Herman.
Headstone of Effie and Ernest Studard in Johnson Grove Cemetery in Madison Co., TN |