This is a work in progress. Much of my direct line is documented, but some may not be. If there is a question, I usually include words like "seems likely" or "possibly" in hopes that it may help someone else or eventually get me closer to documentation. Also, I do make errors when transferring info to my files or to the site. If you find errors that you can correct, please e-mail me and I'll gladly make the changes or if you have more information on anyone mentioned here and can share it, I would be really appreciative.
Among the troups that moved into England with William the Conquerer in 1066 was a man named Allen Le Joygnour who was chief carpenter. Many think he likely came from France, having fled during the Heugenot persecution. It is thought he was possibly the first of the Joyner line in England. Source
Thomas Joyner
My 10th Great-grandfather, 1595-1656
It is likely that Thomas Joyner of Dorset is the ancestor of the original Joyner family in the United States. Thomas was born around 1600, most likely in England. He had at least three wives, the final being Maude Marye. From 1654 – 1656 he was the innkeeper of “The Royal Oak” which can still be found in Bere Regis. Source for some of the early Joyner research.
The Royal Oak Hotel, Bere Regis, Dorset
His widow, Maude Joyner, continued to run the inn after her husband’s death until her own death in 1674. After that, the inn stayed in the family for a number of years being managed first by William, then his brother Barnabas, then, after his death, Barnabas’ widow, appears to have moved to London in 1699, but continued to pay the rate or taxes until 1705. Owing to its long association with this family the inn was known as “Joyners” until 1712 when it is referred to by its present name, The Royal Oak. Source
The Royal Oak Today
The Royal Oak is a recently refurbished Grade II listed 16th century Coaching Inn in the picturesque village of Bere Regis perfectly situated for exploring the Isle of Purbeck and the Jurassic Coast. Located centrally to some of the south coast’s most beautiful scenery and popular attractions.Good food, good beer and a warm welcome is assured at this family run Inn.
Good traditional pub food is cooked and served daily in the bar, or you can take advantage of eating in our sunny beer garden or shaded courtyard. Group bookings and reservations are available. More
Thomas died about 1657 in Bere Regis, Dorset County, England. He was buried at St. John The Baptist Church at Beere Regis close to his two previous wives.
As well as being a beautiful medieval church it has several claims to fame.
The most notable of these is its later connection with Thomas Hardy’s classic book, “Tess of the d’Urbervilles.” The novel by Thomas Hardy, first published in 1891 initially appeared in a censored and serialized version, published by the British illustrated newspaper, “The Graphic.”
Now considered a great classic of English literature, the book received mixed reviews when it first appeared, in part because it challenged the sexual mores of Hardy’s day.
In the book of fiction, a poor farmer exploits his daughter’s beauty for social advancement. The church and surrounding area is featured in many parts of the book.
Will Of Thomas Joyner
Recorded In The Prerogative Court Of Canterbury, Somerset House, London, England 5th day of August 1657
Thomas Joyner, of Bere Regis, in the County of Dorset, Taylor, being very sick of bodie but of very good and perfect memory, blessed be the Lord, do make, constitute and ordain this to be his last will and testament in manner and form hereunder declared (that is to say) first, he bequeathed his soul into the hands of God, and his bodie to the Christian burial in the churchyard at Beere Regis as near to the place where two of his wives hath been formally buried as possible may be;
I bequeath all my goods that I posset of in the Joyner house, beasts, two swine, wheat, barley, oats, furniture, wood and other fuel in my Barkside and great firebrand (?) at Whitesbury, copper shard, and one hattern of oats at the house of Charotte Drew, widow, worth four shillings, together with a furner and ham fat, rovells, fondalls, caddors, one feather bed in the new chamber, several floxx beds, several blankets, feather boulsters and all the goods that he the said Thomas Joyner, is now lawfully possest of into the hands and possession of Maude Joyner, his loving wife, first to and for the end to pay off and discharge all the debts that he said Thomas Joyner, now standeth indebted unto several persons as the date hereof together with all his books, mault and other goods, moveable and immovable; and after his own debts are paid next, to and for her own use for and during the term of her natural life and at her departure out of this world she is to leave all the goods that she shall be then possest of to and for the use of Barnabas Joyner, Joseph Joyner, Jonathan Joyner and Hannah Joyner, if they live, so long, or to as many of them as shall be then living, equally and by even portions;
and bequeath to his daughter Elizabeth, one-half head bedstead with cord and matt thereunto belonging, in the house of John Gould, the butcher, lived in with one very good chest of spine oak with three or four shelves in the chamber together with three shelves in the lower room and one bench together with one feather bed, feather boulster, coverlets, five pairs of sheets and one of the smallest brass potts, one kettle, two blankets, a little brass pofnett and a frondell, Chonnel and payl and other things of earth severally one of oak sorf which shall go presently to Versille to soon and Maude Joyner, her mother-in-law shall suffer her quietly to occupy the little house that John Gould lived in and so shall my son William Joyner also after the death of her the said Maude Joyner, if she shall happen so long to live and to this will and testament performed the said Thomas Joyner aforesaid designates constitutes and ordain his loving brother George Ryled of Lide and William Wilcox of Beere Regis, the overseers hereof and according to the full intent and meaning in that behalf for which they are to receive out of the estate ten shillings apiece.
Signed sealed and delivered this day and year above written as the last will and testament of said Thomas Joyner in presence of Thomas Joyner, Roger Willington, Senro (?) Miller HIS MARK The possibility that Thomas of Isle of Wight Virginia was his son exists because a Thomas Joyner was a witness of the will and Thomas of Isle of Wight named his children after what would be his brothers.
Thomas Joyner
My 9th Great-grandfather, 1619-1698
Thomas Joyner was born in Bere Regis, Dorset, England on November 14, 1619. At aged 16, he sailed from the Port of London, September 30, 1635 on a ship called Dorst, headed for Bermuda. This was likely the Thomas Joyner who eventually settled in Isle of Wight, Virginia by 1650.
“A Thomas Joyner (age 16) was among passengers on the ship “Dorst” (or “Dorset”) which embarked from London on 30 Sep. 1635 bound for Bermuda.” “Complete Book of Emigrants” by Peter W. Coldham
This Thomas possibly remained in Bermuda or continued working as a sailor until about 1650 when he first appears as a resident of Isle of Wight County,Virginia on the James River across from Jamestown.
He is thought to have possibly married Sarah Edwards around 1650 although some think he married Elizabeth Robbins.
The first deed located for Thomas Joyner is dated 1555 for land in Isle of Wight County adjacent to William Boddie.
Eventually, he was able to acquire a large amount of land in the area including 1,300 acres in Cypress Swamp in 1675 as compensation for transporting Helie Corbett and Ann Bell to Virginia.
About Isle of Wight, Virginia
Photo: British Museum, London
Illustration accompanying Captain John Smith’s “The Generall Historie of Virginia: A description of part of the adventures of Cap: Smith in Virginia.” Includes a map of Virginia with five sections surrounding it depicting Smith’s encounters with native Americans.
In 1608, Captain John Smith crossed the James River to obtain food for the famishing colonists at Jamestown from a tribe of Indians called Worrosquoyackes who lived where Isle of Wight is located today. Three years later, in the spring of 1611, after 500 of the colonists had died of starvation and disease, 60 emaciated, half-famished men, who had determined to abandon the colony settled in with this same tribe. The first English settlement was made there in 1619 and, by 1635 the population of the county was a little over 500.
In 1658, eight years after Joyner’s arrival, the population had grown to just a little over 2,000.
Thomas Joyner died before June 19, 1695. Source
The names, dates and some details for the next few generations of this family include conflicting information in online research, books and historic documents. There was more than one Thomas Joyner in Isle of Wight at the time, which certainly contributes to the inconsistencies.
The likely Children of Thomas and Sara Elizabeth Robbins Joyner were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Joyner | Thomas | 1655 | Isle of Wight, VA | 21 Apr 1708 Age: 53 |
Isle of Wight, VA | Elizabeth Leagden b. 1657 m. 1677 |
Thomas, like most of the other Joyners, aquired a great deal of land.
Thomas Joyner, Jr. made his Will April 21, 1708, rec. Aug. 09, 1708, as follows: to wife, ELIZABETH, my plantation where she now lives, after her death to son THOMAS JOYNER. To eldest dau. CHRISTIAN, plantation where she lives; to son BENJAMIN, land between William Kinchen and Arthur Purcell; to son JAMES, land where Charles Berkett lives; to youngest daughter Martha Joyner, land where the widow Lother lives; to son John, plantation where he lives; to son NEMIAH, land; to son THOMAS, where he lives not given to Thomas Williams; to grandson Thomas Joyner, a horse; to cousin (niece) Lucy Joyner, a heifer; to daus. CHRISTIAN, ELIZABETH AND DEBORAH, 5 sh. apiece; James, Nemiah, Benjamin and Martha to have their parts at age 16. Witnesses: William West, Jenkins Dorman, and James Barnes. Source: Historical Southern Families, Vol. V, Page 35 and 36 |
Joyner | Elizabeth | 1650 | Isle of Wight, VA | 175- Age: 100 |
Isle of Wight, VA | Possibly William Kinchen |
Joyner | Ann | Arnd. 1645 | Isle of Wight, VA | Isle of Wight, VA | Possibly Henry Turner | |
Joyner | Bridgeman | 1655 | Isle of Wight, VA | Oct. 1719 | Isle of Wight, VA | Ann Mayo b. 1655 m. around 1684 d. 1699 |
Joyner | Theophilus | 1660 | Isle of Wight, VA | Abt: 1739 | Isle of Wight, VA | Eleanor Mann abt 1662 m. abt 1689Henrietta Griffin b. abt 1690 m. abt 1694 |
The Tynes Plantation
Theophilus and Henrietta Joyner’s daughter, Mary, married Robert Tynes. He and Mary built “The Tynes Plantation” which is still standing today. They had seven children; Elizabeth (married Thomas Day), Timothy (bachelor), Robert Jr. (died in 1773 with no issue), Henry (married Sarah Chapman), Mary (married Thomas King), Jean (married Charles Fulgham), and Sarah (not included in his will and purportedly died in her youth).
At the time of Robert’s death in 1771, Timothy was the only living son so he inherited the bulk of his father’s extensive estate and a large number of slaves. He never married and continued to acquire land, becoming one of the largest landowners in Isle of Wight. When he died in 1802, it was assumed his estate would be left to his many nieces and nephews. Imagine the surprise of his family when they discovered his will freed his 81 slaves and gave many of them the land they had been farming. The reason, supported by African-American oral history, is that Timothy Tynes had a relationship with one of his slaves named Beck and he was the father of her children. Source
Bridgeman Joyner
My 8th Great-grandfather, 1656-1719
Bridgeman Joyner was born 1655 in Isle of Wight County, VA. He likely married Ann Mayo around 1684.
In some cases historical documents refer to him as “Bridgman.”
In October of 1677, Bridgeman Joyner and his brother Thomas Joyner Jr. both signed a petition for the pardon of William West.
William West and Bacon’s Rebellion
William West had been very active in Bacon’s Rebellion, the uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony over Virginia Governor William Berkeley’s friendly policies towards the Native Americans. The West family was especially angry at Governor Berkeley because Henry West, the family patriarch, had been murdered by Indians.
West led a rebel force to attack an English-loyal fort, but was captured on January 16, 1677. He was sentenced to death but before the verdict could be carried out, he escaped from prison. A petition for his reprieve was circulated in October of 1677.
In addition to brothers Bridgeman and Thomas Joyner, the petition below was signed by 86 others. Apparently, West was pardoned because in April 1708 he witnessed the will of Thomas Joyner Jr.
“Petition of His Majesties most loyal and obedient subjects of Isle of Wight to his Majesties Commissioners, in behalf of William West, a rebel absconding, who took up arms against the Indians by whom his father had been most barbarously murdered, was taken prisoner and carried aboard a ship, from hence to prison and was condemned to death, but has made his escape and as yet has not been found. We pray for his life and the restitution of his estate to his wife and children.” Source: “Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County Virginia” by John Bennett Boddie.
Listed in the Quit Rents of 1704 is:
- Joyner, Bridgeman – 1,100
- Joyner, Theopilus – 595
- Joyner, Thomas (Jr.) – 1,400 Source
A “Quit Rent” was basically a tax paid by a land owner. During the colonial period the land in Virginia belonged to the king with the exception of the Northern Neck, which belonged to the proprietor (Lord Fairfax for many years).
Although colonists could claim the land, sell it, or keep it and pass it on to their heirs, they could hold it only if they paid a small annual “quit-rent” to the King (or to the Proprietor). If the quit-rent was not paid, the land was then reclaimed by the king (or the proprietor), and could then be given to someone else. This system existed until the Revolution.
There are many records of land deals and other business activities of the Joyners of Isle of Wight during this time period. From the selling and trading of land to their own wills or the witnessing of other’s wills, the Joyner’s made a significant impact in their new country.
Bridgeman Joyner died in October 1719 in Isle of Wight County at age 64.
The children of Bridgeman and Ann Mayo Joyner included:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse | ||||||
Joyner | Bridgeman Jr. | 1683 | Isle of Wight, VA | 04 Apr 1784 | Isle of Wight, VA | |||||||
Joyner | Elizabeth | 1676 | Isle of Wight, VA | 14 Oct 1734 | Isle of Wight, VA | |||||||
Joyner | Nathan | 01 Jun 1698 | Isle of Wight, VA | 1770 | Halifax, VA | Ann m. abt 1740 |
Joyner | Joshua | 1693 | Isle of Wight, VA | 1767 | Southampton, VA | Mary Beale | ||||||
Joyner | John | abt. 1690 | Isle of Wight, VA | 2 Sept 1748 | Isle of Wight, VA | Elizabeth Brown b.1690 m. abt. 1719 |
Bridgeman Joyner Jr. and Deborah Hardy?
Some research out there states that Bridgeman Joyner Jr. married Deborah Hardy in 1680. However, this would have been before she was born. Deborah Hardy was christened in Bedfordshire Parish, England in 1638 and never had any children by her only husband who died in 1704. IOW deed records prove that the land she inherited in the 1675 will of her father was sold by her husband in 1685 with which he then purchased land next to his father. He later purchased more land from his father. It is these lands that the widow Deborah appointed a Harris cousin to sell for her as she was moving to Pennsylvania. By this time she was 66 years old so even if she later married a Bridgeman Joyner, she was too old to bear him any children. Thanks to Tom King for the information.
John Joyner
My 7th Great-grandfather, 1696-Sept. 2, 1748
John Joyner was born in Nottoway Parish, Isle of Wight, Virginia in 1696.
He married Elizabeth Brown who was the daughter of John Brown (1670-1713) and Elizabeth Sampson (1648-1735). Elizabeth’s paternal grandfather was Edward Browne II (1640-1675). You can read a lot more about this family at
John appears in many land records in the early part of the 1700s.
He died Sept. 2, 1748 around the age of 58.
Will of John Joyner
Joyner, John: Of Nottoway Parish, Leg. – son Solomon; daughter, Elizabeth Lott; daughter Martha Clark; daughter Ester Beal. Es Son Absalom
Dated September 2, 1748
Recorded March 9, 1748
wit: Chaplan Williams, Henry Crafford, William Grizard.
Joyner, John; Estate appraised by Henry Dowaon, Joshua Dawson, James Turner
Signed Absalom Joyner
Recorded June 1, 1749
Source: “Wills of Isle of Wight County – 1800 – BOOK II” by Blanch Adams Chapman an abstract of Will Book 5 – page 163 and 187
The children of John and Elizabeth Brown Joyner were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Joyner | Elizabeth Bethany | 1724 | Isle of Wight, VA | Nov 1795 | Burke, Georgia | John Aaron Lott Sr. b. 1745 m. 1740 d. 1808 |
Joyner | Absalom | 1720 | Isle of Wight, VA | 1790 age: 60 |
Northampton Co., NC | Winifred Elizabeth Beale b. 1732 m. d. 1799 |
Joyner | Solomon | 1722 | Isle of Wight, VA | 1790 age: 68 |
Nash, NC | |
Joyner | Martha | 1726 | Isle of Wight, VA | Nov 1795 | Burke, Georgia | Clark |
Joyner | Esther | abt. 1728 | Isle of Wight, VA | William Beale b. abt. 1750 m. abt. 1748 |
Joyner | Joshua | abt. 1720 | Isle of Wight, VA | 1797 | Southampton, VA | Martha b. abt. 1725 m. abt. 1745 |
Absalom Joyner
My 6th Great-grandfather, 1720-1790
Absalom Joyner was born in Isle of Wight County, Virginia in 1720. He married Winifred Elizabeth Beal/Beale in 1786. Her father was Hardy Beale. Hardy’s parents were William and Priscilla Beale.
In the slave schedule of 1790, Absalom is listed as having six slaves.
Absalom died in 1790 in North Hampton, North Carolina.
The Will of Absalom Joyner
Northampton Co., NC WB 2-200: Absalom Joyner, dated 8 October 1790 June Court 1800
…to my daughters Cherry Broom, Ann Burn, Winnefred Hayes negroes each….to my daughter Martha Broom 5 shillings……to my granddaughter Rebekah Joyner negroes for her lifetime and then to her heirs, should she die without heirs said negroes to go to my son Thomas Joyner and Jesse Joyner…to son Jesse negroes, the plantation whereon he now lives, with the Mill and mill pond on Crossway branch and I also give to him my Brandy still… son Thomas Joyner negroes, stock and the land and plantation whereon he now lives… my grandson Absalom Hays 1 negro girl and her increase, Extrs: Jess and Thomas Joyner Wits: Exum Hollomon, William Cobb, Charles Hollomon.
Records of Estates, Northampton Co., NC, page 237: Absalom Joyner…Inventory June Ct., 1800 by Jesse and Thomas Joyner, exrs.
The children of Absalom Joyner and Winnefred Elizabeth Beal Joyner were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Joyner | Jesse | 1758 | Northampton, NC | Nov 1847 | Sumner, TN | Priscilla Whitehead b. abt. 1778 m. abt. 1680Dolly Harrison b. abt. 1797 |
Joyner | Ann | 1761 | Northampton, NC | 1785 age: 24 |
Possibly Henry Bunn b. abt. 1730 |
Joyner | Thomas Littleton | 1762 | Northampton, NC | 1824 age: 24 |
Sumner, TN | Mildred “Millie” Bunn b. 22 Apr 1765 m. 1780s d. 13 Apr 1829 |
Joyner | Cherry | 1763 | Northampton, NC | 1824 age: 61 |
Sumner, TN | Mildred “Millie” Bunn b. 22 Apr 1765 m. 1780s d. 13 Apr 1829 |
Joyner | Martha | 1764 | Northampton, NC | 1864 age: 100 |
Northampton, NC | Hally Broom b. 1764 m. bef. 1784 |
Joyner | Winifred | 1768 | Northampton, NC | William Beale b. abt. 1725 |
Thomas Littleton Joyner
My 5th Great-grandfather, 1762-1824
Thomas Littleton Joyner was born in Northampton, North Carolina in 1762. He fought in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.
Thomas Littleton Joyner Service: NORTH CAROLINA Rank: PRIVATE
Death: 7-24-1824 SUMNER CO TENNESSEE
Service Source:
Service Description:
NC TROOPS, MILITIASource: Daughters of the American Revolution Database
No.: 3551.
He also furnished supplies for the army.
During the War of 1812, he served in Henry Hamilton’s Company of Infantry and Colonel James Raulston’s 3rd Regiment West Tennessee Militia Infantry. Raulston’s regiment was part of Major General William Carroll’s division at the battles for New Orleans. This regiment suffered casualties during the skirmish of Dec. 28, 1814 and had two of the handful of fatalities on the famous Jan. 9, 1815 battle. After the war, James Raulston became a prominent member of the state legislature of Alabama.

To whom granted and rank: The heirs of Thomas Joyner, Lt.
No. acres: 2,560
Service in months: 84
The United States Census of 1790 was the first census conducted in the United States. Survey that includes my Joyner ancestors was dated August 2, 1790 with records from 1782 – 1785. In this census, you can find Thomas Joyner and John Joyner living in Isle of Wight in 1872.
In 1786, Thomas married Mildred Bunn who went by the name of “Millie.”
Millie was the daughter of Owen Burn Bunn and his wife Sarah Daughtery. Owen Bunn also fought in the Revolutionary War.
Four years after his marriage, Thomas Littleton is listed in the 1790 United States census in North Carolina. Included in his household were 1 free white male under 16, 2 free white males 16 and over, 4 free white females and 11 slaves.
At some point after that, he moved his family to Sumner, Tennessee where he died on July 24, 1824. Millie died four years later on April 13, 1829.
Thomas Joyner Will – March 10, 1824
Son Littleton. Son Thomas. Son Absolam. Wife Milley. Daughter Sally White. Daughter Elizabeth Taber. Daughter Winifred Abston. Wife Milley. Proved Aug. 1824.
“SUMNER COUNTY, TENNESSEE, Abstracts of Will Books 1 & 2 (1788-1842)” Compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley, 1980. The original will is found in Will Book 2, p. 15.
The children of Thomas Littleton Joyner and Mildred “Milly” Bunn Joyner were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Joyner | Littleton Bunn |
4 Apr 1782 | Sumner, TN | Dec 1852 age: 70 |
Haywood Co., TN buried: Oakwood Cemetery, Brownsville, TN |
Parthenia “Bethany” Cartwright b. 6 May 1785 m. 1804 d. 6 Dec 1852 buried: Oakwood Cemetery, Brownsville, TN |
Joyner | Sarah “Sally” Bunn | 1 Oct 1783 | Sumner, TN | 27 Apr 1854 age: 71 |
Waco, TX | Charles White b. 1780 m. 27 Jan 1808 |
It is likely that Sarah and her brother Littleton were actually adopted by Thomas and Milly Joyner and were actually the children of Milly’s brother (Henry Bunn) and Thomas’ sister (Ann Joyner). Ann died at the age of 24 in 1785 when Littleton was three and Sally was two.
Sally moved to Waco, Texas about 1820. Sally Bunn named her daughter Henry Bunn. |
Joyner | Susannah | 19 Jan 1788 | Sumner, TN | 1805 | ||
Joyner | Elizabeth | 15 Feb 1791 | Sumner, TN | 1891 age: 100 |
John Stapleton b. 1791 m. 1812Edward E. Traylor b.1790 m.1817 |
Joyner | Winifred | 1 Feb 1793 | Sumner, TN | 4 May 1854 age: 61 |
Marshall, MS | Josiah Harper Abston b. 1791 m. 26 Mar 1817 d. 1860 |
Joyner | Thomas | 18 Jun 1802 | Sumner, TN | 7 Oct 1882 age: 61 |
Marshall, MS | Elizabeth McGee b. 1805 m. 1826 d. 1875 |
Thomas became a Methodist minister.
“Mrs. John Thomas Joyner had inherited from her first husband, Will Douglass, a large tract of land ten miles south of Brownsville, TN (in Haywood County) from which she donated five acres for a nonsectarian camp meeting ground. This land was near a big spring along muddy creek and on rising ground near the hills, an ideal location. In appreciation for the land, the promoters offered to name the meeting ground for her. The Henrietta Camp Meeting Ground (She had been Miss Henrietta Hare). But she requested that it be named Joyner’s Camp Ground in memory of her husband’s father, the Rev. Thomas Joyner because the Joyners had been identified with the Methodist Church from early days and she wished to perpetuate the name in religious commission.” W.W. Stamps, Collierville, TN, 1944. Thomas’ wife Elizabeth was the daughter of Rev. John McGee, a once “wild young man” who was raised by strict Presbyterian parents but eventually became a well-known Methodist minister. Rev. Thomas and Elizabeth Joyner’s grandson (son of their daughter Elizabeth) William W. Stamps served in the Mississippi State legislature from 1914 – 1920. As a young man, he opened a boarding school for young ladies in Iuka, MS but it was broken up by the Civil War. From The Official and statistical register of the state of Mississippi, Volume 4 By Mississippi. Dept. of Archives and History, Dunbar Rowland |
Joyner | Absalom | 27 Nov 1805 | Sumner, TN | Arkansas |
Littleton Bunn Joyner
My 4th Great-grandfather, 1782-1852
Littleton Bunn Joyner was born April 4, 1782 in Sumner, Tennessee. There is a possibility that he and his sister Sarah were actually adopted by Thomas and Millie Joyner around the time Littleton was 18.
Some researchers believe they were actually the children of Milly’s brother (Henry Bunn) and Thomas’ sister (Ann Joyner) who appear to have been married. Ann died at the age of 24 in 1785 when Littleton was three and Sally was two. Source: Tom Bunn
There is a court case involving Henry Bunn’s third wife and the children of Thomas Joyner. Henry and his third wife Elizabeth were going through a divorce, and she accused the Joyner children of stealing bed clothes she had made. They sued her for slander. Henry died before the divorce case was finalized.
In December 1806, at the age of 24, Littleton married Bethany Parthena Cartwright. She was born in Haywood County Tennessee and was the daughter of early settlers Matthew Cartwright (Feb. 29, 1774 in St. Mary’s County, Maryland-Feb. 2, 1812 in Wilson County, Tennessee) and Polly Grimmer.
Matthew Cartwright
According to notes from Mrs. J.E. Malvern in 1943, The Cartwrights were descendants of Jamestown colonist John Cartwright who was a lawyer in London in 1612 and witnessed the will of John Rolfe, the husband of Pocahontas. Bethany’s father, Matthew, served as a member of North Carolina Committee of Safety of Pitt County. Proceedings of Committee of Safety of Martinsborough, August 23, 1775 are signed by Matthew and Peter Cartwright, his brother. Colonial State Records, Vol 10, pg 221
Matthew Cartwright is listed in “Heads of Families” in the first U.S. census. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, 1908. (292p.):147 American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
Like his father, Littleton Joyner served as a private in the War of 1812 in Captain Henry Hamilton’s Company of infantry, 3rd Raulston’s West Tennessee Militia. His service began Nov. 13, 1814 and ended May 13, 1815.
In 1827, he moved from Wilson County, Tennessee to Haywood County, Tennessee. He was a merchant for a number of years, but after that business failed, he was elected county clerk of Haywood County, a position he held for twenty-two years. SOURCE: History of Southern Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed’s Publishing Co., 1889 and information from Mrs. J.E. Malvern, Arkansas, 1943
Census Records for Littleton Joyner and Family
In the 1830 US Census, living in Littleton Joyner’s home were 15 people, 4 of whom were slaves. It appears one of the older sons lived with Littleton and the three white males under five were likely grandsons or other relatives.
- Free White Male Persons Under 5: 3
- Free White Male Persons 5 thru 9: 1 (Albert)
- Free White Male Persons 15 thru 19: 1 (Alfred)
- Free White Male Persons 20 thru 29: 1 (Jesse)
- Free White Male Persons 40 thru 49: 1 (Littleton)
- Free White Female Persons 5 thru 9: 1 (Mary or Sarah)
- Free White Female Persons 10 thru 14: 1
- Free White Female Persons 20 thru 29: 1 (Possibly a daughter-in-law)
- Free White Female Persons 40 thru 49: 1 (Bethany)
- Slaves Male Under 10: 1
- Slaves Male: 10 thru 23: 1
- Slaves Female Under 10: 1
- Slaves Female: 10 thru 23: 1
In this 1828 publication from the postmaster general, Littleton Joyner is listed as the postmaster of Haywood County, TN. Image Source
Appointment of Littleton Joyner as postmaster to the Wellwood Community, Nov. 5, 1835
Source: Record of Appointment of Postmasters, 1832-1971. NARA Microfilm Publication, M841, 145 rolls. Records of the Post Office Department, Record Group Number 28. Washington, D.C.: National Archives.
In the Early Tax List Records of Haywood County Tennessee, 1783-1895, Alfred B. Joyner has no slaves, while Jesse D and Littleton each have one.
In the 1840 census, Littleton Joyner has 11 total people living in his home 5 of whom are slaves:
In the 1850 slave schedule, Littleton was the owner of 6 slaves:
From 1836-52, Littleton Joyner witnessed or executed thousands of documents in Haywood County. For example, on November 3, 1845, as Clerk of Court for Haywood County, he executed a statement of Elizabeth Robeson for her Revolutionary War widow’s pension. Another example is:
State of Tennessee Haywood County
I Littleton Joyner Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that foregoing is a true and perfect copy of the proceedings had in said Court upon the appointment of Richard Hill as guardian of Martha E. Hill. Witness my hand at office this 16th day of November 1850.
Inclusion of Littleton Joyner among the first settlers of Haywood County in “The Goodspeed History of Tennessee,” 1887.
Littleton and Bethany both died in December 1852. While I have not found the date of Littleton’s death, Bethany died on Dec. 6. They are both buried at Oakwood Cemetery in Brownsville.
The children of Littleton and Bethany Cartwright Joyner were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Joyner | Jesse D. | 13 Aug 1805 | Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN | 22 Aug 1898 age: 93 |
Arkansas | Cynthia M. Talley b. 15 Nov 1805 m. 1828 d. 10 Nov 1887 age: 82 |
Jesse D. and Cynthia lived in Shelby County, TN and in 1850 moved to Dallas Co. Arkansas. Later they resided in Pleasant Plains, Independence Co., AR. They were charter members of the First Methodist Church in Pleasant Plains.
Their son was William F. Joyner was a captain in the Confederate Army and was a prisoner of war at Johnson Island. He was released and would eventually become a lawyer and editor of the Little River News. |
Joyner | Alfred Bunn | 29 Apr 1810 | Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN | 19 June 1899 age: 89 |
Madison Co., TN buried: Providence Methodist Church Cemetery |
Mary Frances Stanfield b. 25 Aug 1813 m. 1838 d.6 Jun 1855 age: 42Nancy Ross b. 22 Apr 1825 m.1858 d.25 Jun 1906 age: 81 buried: Providence Methodist Church Cemetery |
Joyner | Thomas M. | 1812 | Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN | 7 Feb 1885 | Social Hill, Hot Springs AR | Frances E. McKendree b. 1812 d. 1840Emma Elizabeth Sharp (Emmerson) b. 1836 m. 18 May 1857 d. 7 Jun 1885 |
Thomas Joyner was a confederate soldier in the 8 Regiment Georgia Calvary, Company C Film Number M226 roll 33.
He also became a doctor. When his brothers moved to Tennessee, Thomas moved to Rockport, Arkansas where he opened a pharmacy and practiced medicine. His two sons, Henry and Jesse were shot by remnants of General Frederick Steele’s Union soldiers during an invasion in 1863. Jesse was a watchman of the local mill when he was shot at the age of 15. His brother, Henry, was included in a group of boys who were gathered together, marched up a military road unarmed and shot. |
Joyner | Judge Littleton J. | 1822 | Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN | 1902 | Little River, AR | Mary G. Chiles m. 1846Anna L. Derrick m. 1884 |
“Little J’s” literary education was obtained in the common schools of West Tennessee, followed by a collegiate course at Brownsville Institute. Dr. Elija Slack, president, from which institution he was graduated in 1842, and immediately after he commenced the study of law under J.W. Strother. He was admitted to the bar in 1845, by Judges Campbell and Reed, the former being chancery judge and the latter circuit judge.
This licensed Mr. Joyner to practice anywhere in the State of Tennessee. In 1850, he located in Princeton, Dallas County, Ark., and was occupied in teaching school at that place for four years, and at Washington, Hempstead County, for a period of six years. He located in this village in 1861, and for a period of three years between this date and 1867 he was employed in teaching school. He opened up a law office in 1867 and practiced without interruption until 1874, when he was elected judge of the Eighth Judicial District, and served for a term of four years. In 1879 he moved to Texarkana and resumed the practice of law, in partnership with ex-Judge L.A. Byrne of that place, and together they conducted a good law business for four years. Mr. Joyner then returned to this place in 1883, and engaged in the practice of his profession, not alone for the purpose of practicing law, but that he might gratify his taste for agricultural life on his farm on the Red River. This farm comprises 2,000 acres of tillable land, separated into three small farms in the hilly portion of this county, with eighty-five acres of improved land. The land is rented and worked on one farm to supply the demands of that place. He is one of the substantial farmers in the county, and is liberal in religion and politics. He has been twice married. His first wife, to whom he was married in 1846, was Miss Mary G. Chiles, daughter of Garland Chiles of South Carolina, and was born in South Carolina. Her mother, formerly Eliza Haygood, was a member of one of the leading families of South Carolina, some of that family being among the most prominent men of that grand old State. The fruits of this union were seven children, but three of whom are now living. They are L. Garland (a resident of this place), Jesse R., and Estelle L. (widow of C.D. Johnson) In 1881 Mrs. Joyner passed to her final home, and in 1884 he was joined in matrimonial bonds with Miss Anna L. Derrick, daughter of W.S. and Anna P. (Lyons) Derrick. (note: William S. Derrick (1802 – 15 May 1852) was an American politician. He held the post of Chief Clerk of the U.S. State Department four distinct times in the 1840s and 1850s. He held the post of Secretary of State ad interim for three days in 1843 (June 21 to June 23). Her parents were Pennsylvanians, and for a number of administrations her father acted as chief clerk, under the Secretary of State. Mr. Joyner is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, as was his first wife, but the present Mrs. Joyner belongs to the Episcopal Church. The Judge is a demitted member of the A.F. & A. M., and once belonged to the I.O.O.F. He is a good man, and has the confidence and esteem of all who know him. SOURCE: History of Southern Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed’s Publishing Co., 1889. |
Joyner | Albert | 1824 | Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN | 1880 age: 56 |
Bear Creek Galatin, IL | Fredonia Whitehead |
Joyner | Mary N. | 1825 | Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN | 1844 age: 19 |
Marshall Co., MS | Josiah H. Abston m. 1834 d. 22 Oct 1860 |
Joyner | Sarah G. | 1828 | Lebanon, Wilson Co., TN | 1844 age: 19 |
Biography of Judge Littleton J. Joyner, son of Littleton and Bethany Joyner, from Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas by Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1890. The bio also refers to my 3rd great-grandfather, Alfred Bunn Joyner as “an active elderly gentleman of eighty years” who “resides on the old homestead in Tennessee.”
Alfred Bunn Joyner
My 3rd Great-grandfather, 1810-1899
Alfred Bunn Joyner was born April 29, 1810 in Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennessee. He married Mary Francis Stanfield (1813 in Halifax, Virginia to 1856 in Haywood County) in 1838. The Joyners and Stanfields were family friends.
Ephraim Alpheus Stanfield
Mary Francis was a daughter of Ephraim Alpheus Stanfield (1785 in Halifax, Virginia to 1846 in Madison County, Tennessee) and Sarah Priscilla Powell (1786 in Halifax, Virginia to 1857 in Haywood County). Like Alfred’s father, Littleton, Ephraim migrated with his large family from Bedford County, Tennessee but arrived a bit earlier, in the winter of 1824. In later years, Alfred wrote of Ephraim, “this family settled north of Wellwood and were noted in many respects. Ten sons and three daughters; the boys grew to manhood, remarkable for their unusual physical and mental development, above medium size, erect, strong, active, healthy and intelligent, all except one lived to raise families, many of whose descendants are filling positions of trust and honor in Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, etc.” Ephraim and Sarah, and many of their children, are buried at Providence Cemetery in Madison County, Tennessee.
Alfred and Mary Francis had two children: Littleton and Sarah. The year he married, Alfred purchased the land that would come to be known as Joyner’s Hill Farm. Like others in his community, he farmed cotton, corn, hay and small grains.
Joyner’s Hill Farm
“The agricultural development of Joyner’s Hill Farm mirrors that of many other West Tennessee Century Farms. In the nineteenth century, the founders produced one perhaps two staple crops for market with all other commodities geared to home consumption. In the early twentieth century, however, the region’s farmers have attempted to produce a diverse range of commercial farm commodities. Purchasing 160 acres located in the northeastern corner of Haywood County, Alfred B. Joyner established Joyner’s Hill Farm in 1838. The founder cultivated fields of cotton, corn, hay and small grains. The father of six children, Alfred married twice and his son Bob Joyner inherited the entire farm in 1904. A charter member of the Farm Bureau, Bob “was a progressive, substantial farmer interested in new ideas and methods.” He expanded his property to 423 acres and raised diversified products such as corn, cotton, soybeans, sorghum, wheat, strawberries and livestock. His wife Ada Thweatt was the mother of six children. Interesting video about Century Farms during the Civil War
In the 1850 United States Federal Census, Alfred was 40, Mary was 37 and they had 2 children at home, Littleton who was 11 and Sarah who was 9. The family farm was next door to the farm of Jacob O. White and his wife Martha A.E. Nowell, both among the original settlers of Haywood County. The value of Alfred’s real estate was $1,200 which was significant.
According to the slave schedule, in October 1850, Alfred owned six slaves. Five were females ages 23, 12, 2, 1, 6 months and one 11-year-old boy.
The headstones of Mary Frances Stanfield Joyner and her son Littleton Joyner in the Providence United Methodist Church Cemetery. Littleton “sickened and died” June 28, 1862 in Holly Springs, Mississippi while fighting for the Confederate army during the Civil War.
Mary Frances died on June 6, 1856. Her children, Sarah and Littleton, were 16 and 15. Her headstone in Providence Methodist Church Cemetery in Madison County includes, “And her two children E.C. & W.E.” so it’s possible, she died after giving birth to twins who also died, or these may have been children who died earlier.
Alfred married Nancy Ross about 1858 when he was 48 and she was 33.
The Ross Family
Photo: Julious
Headstone of Nancy RossNancy Ross Joyner, my 3rd great-grandmother, has quite an interesting pedigree.
She was a daughter of Hezekiah H. Ross (Oct. 9, 1801 in Anson County, North Carolina to March 8, 1854 in Madison County, Tennessee), who was a son of Donald Ross (May 1, 1765 in Edinburgh, Scotland to Dec. 3, 1823 in Anson County, North Carolina), who was a son of Hugh Ross (1750 in Edinburgh, Scotland to March 3, 1798 in Anson County, North Carolina).
Hugh Ross is my 6th great-grandfather. According to research done by the late Sam Ross and compiled in “The Ross Family,” Hugh was orphaned at a very young age, but his father had made arrangements for him to be put into the care of a nobleman. When the nobleman became ill, he apprenticed Hugh to a tailor. Hugh became known for his craftsmanship in Edinburgh and Southenland Shire. He married Margaret McDonald and they migrated to America in 1771 settling in Anson County, North Carolina. In addition to their oldest son (my 5th great-grandfather, Donald), they had another son, Hugh Jr., and three daughters: Margaret, Jane and Katherine.
You can read more about more about the ancestry of Nancy Ross Joyner in this blog post.
Together, Alfred and Nancy Ross Joyner had four children, including my 2nd great-grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Joyner.
When the 1860 United States Federal Census was taken Alfred was 50 and his new wife, Nancy Ross Joyner, was 31.
Littleton T. Joyner was then 21 and his sister, Sarah, was 19. Robert F. Joyner, Alfred and Nancy’s first child together, was 2 years old. The value of their real estate was $1,300 and the value of his personal property was $9,700, indicating they had a number of slaved and a large amount of land to farm.
According to family stories, Littleton and Sarah called Nancy, “Aunt Nan” and that is the name many in the community began calling her. Alfred Joyner’s son R. F. “Bob” Joyner was a young child during the Civil War, and he would later tell another family story about Union troops coming to the door but it being blocked by one of the family’s slaves named Aunt Callie. His brother Littleton T. was going to medical school but stopped to join the Confederate army during the Civil War. He “sickened and died” June 28, 1862 in Holly Springs, Mississippi.
In the 1870 United States Federal Census Alfred was 60 and Nancy was 41.
Sarah had married Josiah Chambers and moved to a farm of their own. Alfred and Nancy’s oldest child Robert Joyner was 12 while his sister Mary was 9. The two youngest brothers were Albert Jr. who was 6 and Jessie who was 2.
On Oct. 14, 1910, Sarah Patterson Chambers applied for a Civil War Widow’s Pension. You can download a .pdf of her application here.
The value of his real estate had grown in 10 years to $2,400 but the value of his property had been reduced from $9,700 to $1,000 most of which was mostly likely from the loss of his slaves and the destruction of his property from the war.
l to r: Elvira Lyson, who was raised by Joe and Sarah Joyner Chambers (she married Owen Thweat, brother of Ada Thweat), Joe Chambers and Sarah Joyner Chambers, Jesse and Sally Joyner with Jesse’s son, Herman, Alfred Bunn Joyner holding Howell, and Nancy Ross Joyner (child standing died as a small child).
The family to the far right is Nancy “Nannie” Williamson standing in the back row, Janie Williamson Williams standing in the front row, Jessie E. Williamson standing in the back row, far right, Mai Edith Williamson Shelton is the baby and Joe and Mary Elizabeth Joyner Williamson are the parents. Their youngest daughter, Jo Williamson Ried, was not yet born. Janie Williamson Williams is my great grandmother.
The family continued to grow in the following decade. According to the census, in 1880 Alfred was 70 and Nancy was 52. Living at home was Robert who was then 22, Mary who was 19, Albert who was 17 and Jesse who was 13.
Now living with the family was also Violet Joyner who was 35, James who was 15, Henry who was 8 and Eli who was 6. Their exact identity is not determined but they are listed as being black and their occupation is listed as “servants.”
Alfred died on July 19, 1899 at the age of 89 and was buried at Providence Methodist Church cemetery in Madison County. His funeral was preached by Reverend B. F. Poebles. Nancy died on June 25, 1906 at the age of 81 and was buried at Providence with her husband.
Alfred B. Joyner Obituary, July 20, 1899
The departure of the pioneers of the county deserves more than passing notice. The citizens of Haywood County will read with interest a brief sketch of the last, but one of a noted and noble family-father, mother brother and sisters. You will, I believe, cheerfully lend space in The Graphic for this section of history.
Littleton Joyner, with his family, came to Haywood and settled near Wellwood in 1827. Here he operated a farm and was afterwards for a series of years County Court Clerk, the duties of which office he discharged with marked ability and fidelity. This family distinguished themselves in a notable degree for the tiniest qualities of head and heart; for intelligence, morality, sobriety, hospitality and piety. The direct subject of this sketch was about 18 years old when he came with his father from Wilson County, this state, to Haywood.
Another family from Bedford County, Middle Tennessee preceded the Joyners, coming in the winter of 1824-25. This was the Stanfield family. Ephraim A. Stanfield, Esq. and his wife Sarah, who brought a large family of children, all of whom, except for Dr. C.A. Stanfield of Toledo, Ark. have with the Joyners, passed over the river to rest under the shadow of the trees. This family settled north of Wellwood and were noted in many respects. Ten sons and three daughters; the boys grew to manhood, remarkable for their unusual physical and mental development, above medium size, erect, strong, active, healthy and intelligent, all except one lived to raise families, many of whose descendants are filling positions of trust and honor in Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, etc. these two families were among the first settlers of this section. They with Rev. F. S. Brandon and others who soon came to their help, whose names ought not to be forgotten such as Uncle Thomas Bay Green; Freeman George and Jesse Cus (paper torn here unable to read) …the land and building houses in which to live; but not only those. Before the deer the catamount and the bear had been driven out of the land these brave people had erected a house of worship and in which their children were to be taught the rudiments of an education; not satisfied with this however, an academy was soon built near by and Prof. Johnson put in charge to teach higher mathematics, Latin, Greek, etc. This was one of the best high schools of the early times. One of the boys mastered seven languages and preached in four. The Joyners and the Stanfields were at the front of every enterprise; at their homes, in the schoolroom and the church – noted for filial and fraternal attachments – there were no broils or feuds.
It is said that no son of these old people was even seen intoxicated or heard to swear or fail to pay a debt. It is not strange that these families became friends. The second daughter, Miss Francis Stanfield, became Mrs. Alfred Bunn Joyner and lived most happily in the sacred relation of wife till she was called hence, leaving that brilliant and noble boy, Littleton T. Joyner who left his medical studies to give his life to the Confederacy; and Miss Sallie P. Joyner, now Mrs. Josias Chambers, to mourn with their devoted father the loss of one of the most affectionate of pious christian mothers.
Mr. Joyner, after some years, married Miss Nancy Ross, of Madison County a most practical, level-headed, considerate Christian lady; dear aunt Nan, as she was familiarly called, who, with three sons, survive their noble father. Mr. Joyner was from his youth a consistent member of the M.E. church, South, of unswerving faith to his God and Savior; his faith in himself sometimes weak. His strong temperance sentiments were conspicuous in life, and in the hour of death, when his physician gave him, toddy, he said, “I want pure water to drink”.
Uncle Alfred Joyner was blessed with an active, vigorous old age; though in his nintieth, year could walk or ride horseback; his mind was clear, and he was happy in society, or with his paper or his books. The whole community sorrow with Aunt Nan and the children and grand-children of this good old man., who went peacefully to reap his reward – the reward of the faithful, on August – His remains were interred at Providence cemetery; funeral by Rev. B.F. Poebles Commenting the bereaved to the God of ——— in love and sympathy.
Obit located in the Brownsville Public Library Genealogy Room
The headstones of Alfred B. Joyner and Nancy Ross Joyner in Providence Methodist Church Cemetery in Madison County, Tennessee.
The children of Alfred Bunn Joyner and Nancy Ross Joyner were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Joyner | Littleton T. | 7 Jan 1839 | Haywood Co., TN | 28 Jun 1862 age: 23 |
Holly Springs, MS buried: Providence Methodist Church Cemetery, Madison Co., TN |
Cynthia A. Unknown b. 15 Nov 1805 m. 1828 d. abt. 10 Nov 1887 age: 85 |
Joyner | Sarah P. | 14 Feb 1840 | Haywood Co., TN | 7 Sept 1912 age: 72 |
Josiah Chambers b. 1838 |
The children of Alfred Bunn and Mary Frances Stanfield Joyner were:
Last | First | Born | Location Born | Died | Location Died | Spouse |
Joyner | Robert Franklin “Bob” | 13 May 1858 | Haywood Co., TN | 15 May 1954 age: 96 |
Madison Co., TN burried: Providence Methodist Church Cemetery, Madison Co., TN |
Ada P Thweatt b. 1875 d. 1961 age: 86 |
Children were: Owen, Robert Alfred, Nancy Ruth, Mabel and William C. William C. was the father of Joline Joyner Williams who married Jesse Williams, son of Lloyd “Bo” Williams and brother of Robert L. “Bob” Williams, my father. ![]() |
Joyner | Mary Elizabeth | 1862 | Haywood Co., TN | 16 Jan 1898 age: 36 |
Madison Co., TN burried: Providence Methodist Church Cemetery, Madison Co., TN |
Joe Williamson b. 1858 d. 22 Sept 1909 age: 51 |
The children of Mary Elizabeth Joyner and Joe Williamson were: Nannie, Jessie E. Janie E., Mai E. and Jo Stella.
Janie E. Williamson married Will Williams and they were the parents of Lloyd “Bo” Williams, my grandfather. Read more about The Bo Williams Family.
Joe Williamson and daughters |
Joyner | Alfred Ross | 30 Aug 1863 | Haywood Co., TN | 15 May 1941 age: 78 |
Madison Co., TN buried: Providence Methodist Church Cemetery, Madison Co., TN |
Bettie Dougan b. 1865 d. 1951 age: 86 |
The children of Alfred Ross and Bettie Dougan Joyner were: Annie, Mattie Sarah, Pierce, Nellie, and Hugh. | ||||||
Joyner | Jesse Henry | 1867 | Haywood Co., TN | 23 Mar 1940 age: 78 |
Madison Co., TN buried: Providence Methodist Church Cemetery, Madison Co., TN |
Sally Howell b. 1868 d. 1951 age: 86 |
The children of Jesse Henry and Sally Howell Joyner were Howell, Herman and Myra.
To continue with this family line, jump over to the Williams or Williamson family pages. You can find out more about my other family lines at, or read more blogs posts about the history of West Tennessee on my blog page.
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